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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, W.D.
dc.contributor.authorSutardi, T.
dc.contributor.authorEvvyernie, D.
dc.contributor.authorToharmat, T.
dc.description.abstractOrganic-chromium (Cr) has higher availability for animals than inorganic-Cr sources. One of organic-Cr sources known is fungi contained high Cr. This organic-Cr was incorporated to fungi protein. Information about the best fungi or microorganisms used in organic-Cr production is still limited. The objective of this experiment was to study organic- Cr production using different kinds of fungi as Cr carrier. Organic-Cr production was conducted in a 4x3 factorial completely randomized experimental design with 3 replications. Four fungi used as carriers in organic-Cr production as the first factor were Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus oryzae, Rhizopus oryzae and “ragi tape”. The second factor was levels of Cr addition (500, 1000, 1500 mg/kg). Addition of 1000 mg Cr/kg substrate gave the highest Cr incorporation to fungi protein (484 mg/kg) and Cr incorporation efficiency (21.1%). The best fungi used as carrier in organic-Cr production was Rhizopus oryzae which gave the highest Cr incorporation (488 mg/kg) and incorporation efficiency (24.7%).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectSaccharomyces cerevisiaeid
dc.subjectAspergillus oryzaeid
dc.subjectRhyzopus oryzaeid
dc.subjectRagi Tapeid
dc.titleInkorporasi Kromium pada khamir dan kapang dengan Substrat Dasat Singkong yang Diberi Kromium Anorganikid

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