Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • As partial requirement fulfilment for the Doctorate Degree in plant taxonomy 

      Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri Sudarmiyati | Guhardja, Edi | Rifai, Mien A. | J.F Veldkamp | Damaedi, Dedy | Rahayu, Gayuh (2000)
      An account of the diversity, distribution, and taxonomy of the Asteraceae in Sumatera is given, There are 133 species of74 genera in 11 tribes, New species are recoqnized in this study, Prenanthes L. (2 species), Senecio ...
    • Beberapa Gatra Biologi Ektomikoriza Scleroderma pada Melinjo 

      Wulandari, Arum Sekar | Guhardja, Edi | Rifai, Mien A. | Supriyanto | Sukamo, Nampiah (2002)
      Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) merupakan salah satu jenis pohon yang memiliki nilai ekonorni yang tinggi dan potensial untuk dikembangkan. Selain G. gnemon, ada 13 jenis melinjo yang terdapat di Indonesia dan sebagian ...
    • Biosistematika Mangga Di Indonesia 

      Fitmawati | Hartana, Alex | Rifai, Mien A. | Purwoko, Bambang S. (2008)
      Kajian Biosistematika mangga Indonesia meliputi tinjauan status dan kedudukan taksonomi Mangifera laurina Bl dan kerabat dekatnya yang terdiri dari M. aplanata Kosterm., M. rubropetala Kosterm., M. lalijiwa Kosterm., dan ...
    • Biosystematics of pandanaceae in Java 

      Rahayu, Sri Endarti | Hartana, Alex | Chikmawati, Tatik | Kartawinata, Kuswata | Rifai, Mien A. (2011)
      Pandan family (Pandanaceae) is represented in Java by two genera, Freycinetia Gaud. and Pandanus Parkins. Since the studies by Backer and Bakhuizen van den Brink in 1968 and Stone in 1972, there were no further exploration ...
    • Enumeration of Sumatran free-petalled species of syzygium (myrtaceae) 

      Widodo, Pudji | Hartana, Alex | Rifai, Mien A. | Chikmawati, Tatik (2010)
    • Floristic and phytosociology of bryophytes of the Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi 

      Ariyanti, Nunik Sri | Guhardja, Edi | Sudarmiyati, Sri | Kartawinata, Kuswata | Rifai, Mien | Gradstein, S. Robert | Guhardja, Edi | Rifai, Mien A. | Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri Sudarmiyati | Kartawina, Kuswata | Gradstein, S. Robert (2008)
      Sulawesi has a high biodiversity of phanerogams and high degree of endemism. Phytogeographically Sulawesi is part of East Malesia; it is separated from the West Malesia by the Wallace's line. As compared to adjacent major ...
    • Freycinetia (pandanaceae) of Sumatra 

      Pasaribu, Nursahara | Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri S. | Hartana, Alex | Rifai, Mien A. | Widjaja, Elizabeth A. (2010)
      Freycinetia Gaud is one of four extant genera of Pandanaceae. The genus consists of approximately 200 species, in which almost all are climbers. The genus is distributed from Sri Lanka through the mainland of South East ...
    • Kealergenikan Serbuk Sari Indonesia pada Manusia 

      Rengganis, Iris | Hartana, Alex | Guhardja, Edi | Rifai, Mien A. | Djauzi, Samsuridjal | Budiarti, Sri (2009)
    • Lumut Hati (Marchantiophyta) Di Gunung Sibayak Sumatra Utara 

      Siregar, Etti Sartina | Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri Sudarmiyati | Ariyanti, Nunik Sri | Rifai, Mien A. (2015)
      Penelitian mengenai lumut hati di Sumatra masih sedikit dibandingkan dengan Jawa dan daerah Malesia lainnya. Beberapa penelitian floristik lumut hati sudah dilakukan di Sumatra Barat dan Jambi, sedangkan di Sumatra Utara ...
    • Molecular Based Classification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Indonesian Banana Cultivars 

      Retnoningsih, Amin | Megia, Rita | Rifai, Mien A. | Hartana, Alex (2009)
      Banana cultivars are complex hybrids and have been further modified by various mutations. The specific ancestor of the cultivars was difficult to be elucidated. Therefore, the taxonomic status and nomenclature have long ...
    • Revision of Calamus and Daemonorops (Arecaceae) in Sulawesi 

      Rustiami, Himmah | Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri S. | Mogea, Johanis P. | Dransfield, John | Rifai, Mien A. (2011)
      The rattans of Sulawesi presented by three different genera Calamus, Daemonorops and Korthalsia. Calamus and Daemonorops belong to subtribe Calaminae whereas Korthalsia belongs to subtribe Korthalsiinae. In Sulawesi Calamus ...
    • Systematics and Evolution Of The Palm Genus Areca 

      Heatubun, Charlie Danny | Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri S. | Mogea, Johanis P. | Baker, William J. | Rifai, Mien A. (2009)
    • Systematics of Desmos (Annonaceae) in Malesia 

      Nikmah, Isna Arofatun | Chikmawati, Tatik | Rugayah | Rifai, Mien A. (2021)
      Desmos is a woody climbing genus of Annonaceae which has been widely used as traditional medicine in several countries such as China, Indo-China, Thailand, and Peninsular Malaysia to treat dysentery, vertigo, fever, and ...
    • Systematics of freycinetia in West New Guinea 

      Sinaga, Nurhaidah Iriany | Megia, Rita | Hartana, Alex | Rifai, Mien A. | Keim, Ary Prihardhyanto (2011)
      Freycinetia Gaud. in West New Guinea had been investigated. For about 4.000 specimen collections were studied using morphological, ecological and molecular data of cp DNA sequence trnL-F, atpB-rbcL and trn-L . The result ...
    • The Floristic Study Of Herbaceous Grasses In Sulawesi 

      Lasut, Marthen Theogives | Tjitrosoedirdjo, Sri S. | Guhardja, Edi | Rifai, Mien A. | Veldkamp, Jan F. (2009)