Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Carbon Dynamics in Restored Secondary Tropical Peat Swamp Forests 

      Saragi, Meli Fitriani | Murdiyarso, Daniel | June, Tania (2018)
      Hutan lahan basah tropis sepeti halnya hutan rawa gambut secara global dikenal sebagai salah satu ekositem yang kaya akan karbon organik. Akan tetapi, hingga saat ini masih sedikit pemahaman mengenai siklus karbon di ...
    • The Carbon Dynamics in Rewetted Tropical Peat Swamp Forest 

      Darusman, Taryono | Murdiyarso, Daniel | Impron, I | Chaniago, Iswandi Anas (2022-03-29)
      Extensive areas of tropical peat swamp forests (PSFs) have been deforested, degraded, and converted to other land uses. In degraded and drained conditions, the carbon emission is greater than the carbon sequestered, making ...