Study on The Roof Garden Development at Metropolitan in Relation to Urban Heat Islan Mitigation (Case Study: DKI Jakarta)
Sulistyantara, Bambang
Hapsari, Juwita
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Jakarta is weIl known as a metropolitan city which is still growing up, characterized by physical construction and reducing green areas. This phenomenon increases the problems of heat island. and in tum decreases urban quality. The method to cover this problem is difficult to be conducted conventionally, so that it is needed to find out an sJtemative solution by developing roof garden. Even. the development of roof garden is likely facing some problems. This study focuses on how far the citizens perception on the effort to develop roof gardef'. and it's relation with government effort The study was conducted using desaiplive method. and evoMng survey approach. The samples were divided into two categories. C-1: living building. and C-2: non-living building. The questioner was distributed in two ways. directJy to the building address and via the website.
The study result indicated that respondents of C-2 were know better on UHI than respondent of C-1. The study also indicated that implementation of roof garden at Jakarta was stilt rwe. But. most of the respondent of C-1 and C-2 want to build a simple roof garden on the building. Respondent of C-1 stated the essential of roof garden because of upgrading the comfort. while respondent of C-2 stated for esthetic reason. The technical maintenance was not stated as a difflculty for both
respondents of C-1 and C-2, except on irrigation and drainage problems. In legal aspect, there is stiR not available regulation to regulate directly for roof garden, but some relates indirectly. both in the local and national regulation. The regulations which are related with roof garden involves: UU no. 28/2002, UU No. 23/1997, PP No. 69/1996. Inmendagri No. 14/1988. Permendagri No. 2/1987, Keputusan Gubemur Jakarta No. 139/2001, Keputusan Gubemur Jakarta No. 14/2001, Keputusan Gubemur Jakarta No. 8/2002, Kepulusan Gubemur Jakarta No. 189/2002.
- Landscape Architecture [124]