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dc.contributor.authorHadi, Setia
dc.contributor.authorBudiarti, Tati
dc.description.abstractBogor Agricultural University (lPB) has heen known as Indonesia's first high education in seed technology. After 38 years of service. IPR in present conducts multilevel programs In seed science. namely diploma, undergraduate. and graduate programs. Since 1986. IPB has launched Seed Teaching Industry (STI) program to support academic activities and to induce industrial activities atmphere in campus. Conceptually, the program tries to link seed industry activities with education processes in campus. The program has given positive effects to educational processes. people service, and researches, especially feedbacks to research material. Other advantage .from the program is its role as income generator for IPB. Seed industry development in IPB is aimed at professional efforts and it has business orientation which supports and in accordance with seed education activities. Therefore. seed industry development strategy in IPB started by supplying source seed that cooperates with plant breeding laburatory. propagating comercial seed which cooperates with breeder farmer, developing seed market and seed industry, and developing. seed quality controll system. To support the development stated ahove. IPB will develup an otonomic company. Several challenges that need to he solved are land and cooperation between farmers, determination the planting season which is suitable with educatiun schedule. the development of source seed supply, marketing fluent, and capital or
dc.publisherFaperta UGMid
dc.titlePengalaman Berindustri Benih di Institut Pertanian Bogorid
dc.subject.keywordBerindustri Benihid

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