Pengendalian Mekanis Hama Babi Hutan (SUS scrota vittatus) di Pulau Gebe, Maluku Utara (Mechanical Control of Wildboar (Sus scrota vittatus) in Gebe Island, North Maluku)
Wild boar (Sus scrota vittatus) is the most important pest of estate crops (particularly on
coconut and oil palm plantation), food crops, and horticulture. Several control methods
have been developed to reduce the damage. One of them is mechanical control. There
were some mechanical controls implemented in the Gebe Island, North Maluku: fencing,
snare trap, repellent, hunting, feeding, and metaphysic. Wood is commonly used as a fence
to protect coconut plantation, although it was not strong enough. Hedgerows (gamal) is
better, although it needs time to grow. Metal wire is used as a snare trap. Human shirt and
ingredients are used as repellents. Some people hunt wild boar together. Metaphysic
means use a dummy ceme as a symbol for thieves of agricultural products.
- Plant Protection [185]