Profil Gelatinisasi Pati Sagu (Metroxylon Sp) yang dimodifikasi dengan Teknik Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT)
Sago starch is a potential source of carbohydrate utilization. The use of native sago starch in food is limited by its physical, chemical and functional characteristic. The use of native starch in food processing is limited due to its instability in high temperature while heating, its uneven suspension viscosity and gelation ability, its instability under acidic conditions, cannot stand stirring, its limited solubility in water, as well as the gel is easily occur syneresis . Better starch characteristics can be obtained through the starch modification, so that the use of starch in food processing can be expanded to produce a food product with desired characteristics. One technique to modified starch that can be done is a physical modification with Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) method. This research aimed to determine the characteristics of Modified Sago starch (Metroxylon Sp) with Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) technique based on gelatinization profile. The method used was HMT modification process of sago starch at 70, 80 and 90°C for 0.5 - 4 hours heating. Observations of starch gelatinization characteristic changes were done in every half an hour. Analysis using amilograph parameters were; the initial temperature of gelatinization (SAG), the viscosity peak (VP), the peak temperature of gelatinization (SPG), the viscosity of hot pasta (VPP), cold paste viscosity (VPD), the viscosity breakdown (VB) and viscosity setback (VSB ) due to the heat moisture treatment (HMT) modification. Results showed according to gelatinization profile analysis and statistical analysis obtained HMT modified sago starch temperature 70, 80 and 90°C. Heating duration has the gelatinization characteristic that the longer beating process the longer the initial temperature of gelatinization can be generated. The higher the initial temperature of starch gelatinization showed the starch that more resistant to heat, due to recrystallization of granules component during the HMT modification process. Likewise the gelatinization peak temperature, the higher temperature of the starch the higher temperature required for gelatinization. The interaction between temperature and heating duration of starch occurs only on the parameters of peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, breakdown viscosity and cold paste viscosity, also the interaction occurs only when the temperatures of starch at 80 and 90°C.