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dc.contributor.authorBilyaro, Woki
dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Asep
dc.contributor.authorSuryati, Tuti
dc.contributor.authorSumantri, Cece
dc.contributor.authorDarwati, Sri
dc.identifier.citationThe 1st Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016id
dc.description.abstractMalonaldehyde (MDA) is a toxic and mutagenic compund produced from lipid oxidation, and also correlated to the rancid flavorof products.The occurence of MDA in meat poultry and its productsshould be controled as low as possible. The objective ofthis study was to reduce MDA content in meat chicken through crossing between kampong and meat type chicken, and evaluate their fat content.A number of 30 chickens were devided into 5 groups including: 1) meat type chicken (parent stock Cobb Strain) (MTC); 2) Kampong chicken (KC); 3)F2 Kampong-meat typecrosbreed chicken fast growth (KMCFG); 4) F2 Kampong- meat typecrossbreedchicken medium growth(KMCMG);5) F2 Kampong-meat typecrossbreed chicken slow growth (KMCSG). Samplesused were meat from thigh part without skin. Each group contained 3 heads of male and 3 heads of female chickens.MDA content was estimatedby thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value. Male crossbreed chickens contained MDA lower than KC(p<0.05) and no significant different with MTC. Female KMCFG and KMCMG contained MDA lower than KC (p<0.05) and not different with MTC. KMCMGcontained MDA level not different withKC and MTC. All male group had no different fat content, but female group showed that KChad higher fat content than MTC (p<0.05). Fat content of KMCSG was not different withKCorMTC. Fat content of KMCMG and KMCFG were not different with fat content of KC.In conclusion, crossing meat between KC and MTCreduced MDA content for all groupF2 chicken, except female F2 KMCMG, but not with fat
dc.titleMalonaldehyde and Fat Contents of Kampong-meat Type Crossbreed Chickenid
dc.subject.keywordKampong-meat type crossbreed chickenid

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