Investigation of Cadmium Contamination in Mealworm, Ration and Broilers’s Feces
Mealworn (Tenebrio molitor L) is a beetle larva that can be used as a source of protein a substitute for MBM. Cadmium is one of heavy metals that disturb metabolic process leading to toxicity to the broiler. As far as the feed ingredients is anintegral part of the consumer‘s food chain, it‘s need to be assessed as potential sources of Cd contamination. However, a study about utilization mealworm in broilers feed formulations has been done yet in the point of viewed of food safety, especially Cadmium (Cd) free.The objective of this research was to investigate the contamination levels of cadmium in mealworm, ration and broiler‘s feces. A total 200 DOC (Lohman strain) placed in 20 plots devided into two treatments, T0 was broilers fed with 0% mealworm concentrate, 5% MBM and T1 was 5% mealworm concentrate, 0% MBM. The Cd contamination in the mealworm, ration (T0 and T1), and broiler‘s feses were analyzed using ICP-OES instrument method. The result showed that no
Cd contamination were detected in the mealworm, ration and broiler‘s feces from both tratments. It could be conclude that the mealworm is a safe Engreedient for feed.