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dc.contributor.advisorDamayanthi, Evy
dc.contributor.authorYasa, I Putu Agus Mahendra
dc.description.abstractPenelitian bertujuan untuk manghasilkan biskuit berbahan dasar tepung pisang, ubi jalar, tepung tempe, dan tepung wortel dengan fortifikasi mikroenkapsulasi Fe untuk menanggulangi masalah anemia defisiensi besi. Pembuatan biskuit menggunakan bahanbahan lokal dengan metode dry mixing sebagai upaya diversifikasi pangan. Mikroenkapsulasi Fe dilakukan dengan teknik spray drying yang berbahan dasar ferrous sulphate heptahydrate dengan maltodekstrin dan gum powder sebagai penyalut. Jumlah mikrokapsul besi yang ditambahkan yaitu sebesar 33%, 35%, 37% AKG zat besi usia anakanak 7-9 tahun untuk mencapai klaim tinggi besi. Formula terpilih berdasarkan skor ranking berdasarkan nilai mutu organoleptik. Kandungan gizi formula terpilih yaitu 1.80% air, 2.81% abu, 14.00% lemak, 9.13% protein, 55.84% karbohidrat, dan 8.3 mg/100 gram zat besi (tinggi besi). Nilai bioavailabilitas zat besi dari biskuit sebesar 20.00% (tinggi biavailabilitas). Biskuit dengan fortifikasi mikrokapsul besi diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai pangan alternatif pencegah anemia defisiensi besi. Kata kunci: anemia, biskuit fortifikasi, mikroenkapsulasi besi, pangan lokal, tinggi zat besi. I PUTU AGUS MAHENDRA YASA. Fortification of Iron Microencapsulated to composite flour from banana, sweet potato, soybean, and carrot as an alternative food to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Supervised by EVY DAMAYANTHI. The objective of this research was to create a biscuit flour-based from sweet potato, banana flour, soybean flour, and carrot flour with iron microencapsulated fortification to prevent the problem of iron deficiency anemia. The method for this research were making biscuits using local ingredients with dry mixing method, iron was microencapsulated using maltodextrin and gum powder as the coating materials by the spray drying technique, and iron bioavailability of biscuit measured by dialysis bag. The amount of iron microencapsulated was added about 33%, 35%, and 37% from iron RDA of children’s aged 7-9 years old to achieve food with high iron content. The selected formula’s score was 74% of panelist accept the biscuit based on the score ranking of the organoleptik quality. Contributions of biscuits towards energy sufficiency and iron seen from the proximate test. Nutrient content of the best formula were 1.80% of water, 2.81% of ash, 14.00% of fat, 9.13% of protein, 55.84% of carbohydrate, and 8.3 mg/100 g of iron (high iron). The iron bioavailability was 20.00% (high bioavailability). Biscuit with iron microencapsulation can be used as an alternative food to prevent iron deficiency anemia, because every serving size contain 4.15 mg iron which has a claim to food with high in
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subject.ddcfood consumptionid
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baratid
dc.titleFortifikasi Mikroenkapsulasi Besi pada Biskuit Tepung Komposit Pisang, Ubi Jalar, Tempe, dan Wortel sebagai Pencegah Anemia Defisiensi Besiid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfortified biscuitid
dc.subject.keywordhigh in ironid
dc.subject.keywordlocal foodid
dc.subject.keywordmicroencapsulated ironid

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