Invensi Guru Besar Menuju Inovasi Produktif : Seri Pangan Sehat Alami. Inovasi Unik Tepung Ikan Lele (Clarias gariepinus) dan Produk Olahannya
Innovation is the process of creating and delivering new customer value in the marketplace and comes about through the successful combination of novel innovationand invention, and unique business opportunities. A unique innovation Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) flour was developed and used as a main ingredient of kind of protein rich foods, such as biscuit, namely “Clarias Biscuit” and followed by any other derivate based on fish flour. However, to run from invention to unique innovation itstakes long time for researcher to achieved recognition from the market. Nowadays, it is used as one of innovative product in modeling nutrition intervention based on local food Clarias gariepinus.
- Community Nutrition [132]