dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study was to examine the addition of Jack Bean (Canavaliaensiformis) in the diet to
performances of rats (Rattusnovergicus) as an anima! models to predict post-ruminal absorption. This
study useds a randomized complete block design with 3 replication, each replication consisted of 7 rats/
block from 105 male rats on the growth-phase with an average weight 117,84±23,52, with 5 treatments of ration: RO = control diet, Rl = RO + 10 % Jack beanflow~ R2 = RO + 20 % Jack beanflour, R3 = RO + 30% Jack bean flour, R4 = control diet + GHRIOOO), Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA).The tested parameter were .feed consumption, daily gain, feed conversion ratio, and chemical quality ofthe meat as dry matter, protein, fat as well as protein and fat meat ratio. The results showed that addition of Jack bean flour as much as 20% in the diet did not affect the consumption diet, but increased daily gain 1,98 g/day (P<(),OI) and produced the best feed conversion (p<0.05) and resulted 10 fold ofprotein and fat meat ratio (P<O.OI), As cone/us ion, addition of20% Jack bean in the diet of rats which as an animal models to predict the post-ruminal absorption gave the best performance of rats as well as its meat quality.This means, if Jack bean will be contained in cattle diet, as much 20% Jack bean should be absorbed inpost-rumina! digestive of cattle to produce high performance and high quality ofmeat. | id |