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dc.contributor.authorAriyanti, M.
dc.contributor.authorYahya, S.
dc.contributor.authorMurtilaksono, K.
dc.contributor.authorSiregar, H. H.
dc.description.abstractNephrolepis biserrata is one of fern weeds which have valuable benefits as cover crop. N. biserrata’s growth rate is not too fast, growing as shrub, and its presence does not causeany damage or disorder which make N. biserrata tends to be maintained in palm oil plantation. Considerationsthose factors, some private plantation have been using N. biserrata as cover crop. In addition, N. biserrata is type of plant which like to live under shade, therefore be able to be planted in the mature oil palm plantation. Planting of cover crops can be categorized as as an activity that supports ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil System) that is planting maintenance to support plant productivity. The optimum planting space for the cover crop in the field is 10 cm x 10 cm . The role of N. biserrata as cover crops in mature oil palm plantation proven to be beneficial because it contributes nutrient as much as 15.7 tons/ha/year of dry weight with carbon stock of 7.7 tons C/ha/year. On 20 WAP N. biserrata provide the ground coverage by 94.16 %, 82.16 %, and 72.83 % respectively forplanting space 10 cm x 10 cm, 20 cm x 20 cm and 40 cm x 40 cm. N. biserrata affect the water balance occuring in the mature oil palm plantation by reducing the deficit ground water during the dry season or the months with low precipitation. By planting N. biserrata as cover cover crops in mature oil palm planation able to reduce the water deficit by
dc.publisherPerhimpunan Agronomi Indonesiaid
dc.titleNephrolepis biserrata: Gulma Pakis sebagai Tanaman Penutup Tanah di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Menghasilkanid
dc.subject.keywordNephrolepis biserrataid
dc.subject.keywordcover cropid
dc.subject.keywordcarbon stockid
dc.subject.keywordwater balanceid
dc.subject.keywordtanaman penutup tanahid
dc.subject.keywordstok karbonid
dc.subject.keywordneraca airid
dc.subject.keywordGulma Pakisid
dc.subject.keywordKelapa Sawitid

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