Korelasi Kadar N, P, K Daun, Bobot Daun, dan Produksi Fitokimia Daun Kemuning (Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack) Akibat Pemberian Pupuk Organik
Orange jessamin leaf has been traditionally used as a medicinal plant because it contains secondary metabolites that function as antioxidants. Organic fertilizer can be applied to increase the weight of leaf and phytochemical production of orange jessamine leaf. Allegedly there are differences in the weight of leaf and leaf phytochemical production due to combinations of chicken manure and rice-hull ash
rate application. This study aimed to find out the correlation between the levels of N, P, K, leaf weight, and leaf phytochemical production of orange jessamin caused by combinations of chicken manure and rice-hull ash application. Field experiments wasconducted at the IPB organic experimental station at Cikarawang, at 250 m above sea level in Bogor, Indonesia, on June 2014 to February 2015. The study used randomized block design with single factor that is eight combinations of chicken manure (PA) and rice-hull ash (AS) i.e. without fertilizer (control,); 0 kg PA + 3 kg AS; 7 kg PA + 0 kg AS; 7 kg PA + 3 kg AS; 14 kg PA + 0 kg AS; 14 kg PA + 3 kg AS; 21 kg PA + 0 kg AS; 21 kg PA + 3 kg AS per plant. The treatments were replicated 4 times. Correlation between the componentswere analyzed using Principle Components Analysis (PCA) and correlation analysis. The results showed that PCA should be used in this research (1) there is a close and positive relationship between P level, antioxidant activity, N level, flavonoid production, anthocyanin production, leaf dry weight and leaf fresh weight of orange jessamine leaf, (2) there is a close and positive relationship between K level and PAL enzyme activity of orange jessmine leaf.