Peran Bioseedtreatment dan Pupuk Hayati terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Padi serta Dinamika Investasi Gulma pada Tanaman Padi Sawah
The experiment was conducted to study the influence aplication of bioseedtreatment and biofitilizer
to the growth and production of Paddy and also growth of weed in the paddy field. The experiment
conducted in mei until Agustus 2014. This experiment used randomized completely block design with.
Bioseedtreatment using the excalibur gold and using rhizoplex as biofertilizer. Application of excalibur
gold and rhizoplex is significantly different for leaf colour index variable and number of seddling on six
and eight week after planting. And significantly different on plant height on four, six, and eight week after
planting but not significantly different to some vegetative variable such as root length, root dry-weight,
crown dry-weight.For generative variable application on excalibur gold and rhizoplex is significantly
different to nuber of grain number per panicle, but its not significantly different for tile weight and
number of productive seedling.For harvest quality variable that observed the application of excalibur
gold and rhizoplex is significantly different on percentage of empty grain, tile water content and harvest
index, but not significantly different for one thousand grain weight. Application of excalibur gold and
rhizoplex is not significantly different for weed dry-weight, but its effect to dominant weed score.