Analisis Proses Keputusan Pembelian dan Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Beras (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur)
The aims of this research are analyzing the decision – making process and consumer satisfaction in three social classes (low, middle, and top). Sampling method is using a convenience sampling. Data in this research are analyzed by descriptive analysis, important and performance Analysis (IPA), and consumer satisfaction index (CSI).
Processing data with descriptive analysis shows some differences of respondent’s charactheristic and the decision making process in three social classes. Those differencess are related with education level and family income rate, pre-consideration of rice purchasing, and place selection of rice purchasing.
CSI shows that total of customer satisfaction in three class are ini “satisfy” range. Processing data with IPA shows that performances wich must be increased based on consumer’s preference and satisfaction of the top class are easiness to buy the rice and the service on rice seller. Middle class consumers evaluate that rice endurance, similar grain, and rice broken are very important, and those performances must be increased. On the other side, top class consumer evaluate that the omportant attributes which must be increased are price, rice odor, rice broken, and rice purity.
- Agribusiness [60]