Analisis Konsumsi Buah Dan Sayur Pada Model Sistem Penyelenggaraan Makanan di Sekolah Dasar
The national prevalence of eating less fruit and vegetables in the population aged> 10 years is 93.6%. The existence of the organization of food in schools is expected to increase the frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables so that the intake of fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C can meet the RDA.This study aimed to analyze the consumption of fruit and vegetables in in the model of food service system in the elementary school.
Design research using cross sectional study. This research was conducted from May 2015 through September 2015 in SDI Al Muslim Cibitung, Bekasi and SDIT Al Hidayah cibinong. Subjects in this study were elementary
school students grades 4 and 5 who get a meal at school for 5 days. Data retrieval is done in this study was the
measurement of TB, weighing BB, nutritional status (BMI), and a food recall (2x24 hours). The data analysis
using descriptive statistics and unpaired t test. Results of this study showed that there were no significant difference(p> 0.05) between the vitamin A and vitamin C in both schools but there was significant difference in
fiber. (p<0,05). This shows that the consumption of fruit and vegetables is still below the RDA in both schools.
Nutrition education needs to be invested and given to students on a regular basis by a nutritionist at school.
- Community Nutrition [132]