Daya Terima dan Cost Effectiveness Inovasi PMT Biskuit Fungsional Sinbiotik Pangan Lokal pada Balita Berat Badan Rendah
Adi, Annis Catur
Kusharto, Clara
Surono, Ingrid S
Marliyati, Sri Anna
Show full item recordAbstract
PMT Balita saat ini masih berfokus pada gizi konvensional, belum memanfaatkan potensi komponen aktif pangan lokal, teknologi pengolahan masih sederhana, dan belum mengikuti dinamika selera serta biaya program masih jarang dievaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini menguji daya terima, kepatuhan, dan cost effectiveness (peningkatan berat badan) inovasi makanan PMT biskuit fungsional simbiotik pangan fungsional lokal pada balita berat badan rendah (BBR). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen, berupa intervensi makanan dengan uji klinis pada 90 balita berat badan rendah di masyarakat, dengan porsi 50 g per hari selama 90 hari. Desain penelitian Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Double Blind Pre-post study dengan 1 kelompok biscuit konvensional sebagai kontrol (F0) dan 3 kelompok perlakuan biskuit fungsional (F1,F2,F3). Izin etik dari Litbangkes RI Nomor LB.03.04/KE/1008/2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biskuit fungsional yang diperkaya protein ikan lele, isolate kedelai, dan probiotik dadih (E. faecium IS 27526) yang dimikroenkapsulasikan sebagai makanan PMT, memiliki daya terima sensoris yang tinggi (80,7% menyatakan enak dengan porsi 50 gram per hari) sesuai kemampuan dan aman konsumsi balita. Tingkat kepatuhan balita BBR dalam mengonsumsi PMT biskuit fungsional selama 3 bulan intervensi tergolong tinggi, berkisar antara 76,67% hingga 90,35% dengan rata-rata 82,85%. Cost Effectiveness pemberian PMT biskuit konvensional (P0:kontrol) dalam meningkatkan berat badan (BB) per 100 g balita sebesar Rp101.127,00 dan meningkatkan imunitas berupa respons immune humeral (sIgA) sebesar Rp618.000,00 per 0,1 ug/g sIgA, sedangkan biskuit fungsional (P1, P2, P3, & P4) berturut-turut sebesar Rp66.491,00; Rp61.200,00; Rp51.034,00 dan Rp58.621,00 per 100 g BB balita, sedangkan respons immun humeral sebesar Rp124.036,00; Rp93.240,00; Rp41.495,00 dan Rp49.986,00 per 0,1 ug/g sIgA. Biskuit fungsional (P3: biskuit protein ikan lele dan isolat kedelai dengan krim probiotik dadih E. faecium IS 27526 yang dimikroenkapsulasikan) layak dan memiliki Cost Effectiveness lebih baik sebagai makanan PMT yang sehat untuk percepatan perbaikan gizi (berat badan dan imunitas) balita berat badan rendah (underweight).
Kata kunci: PMT, Biskuit fungsional, Daya terima, Cost effectiveness, Balita BBR ABSTRACT
Supplementary foods for under five children is still focused on conventional nutrition, whereas potency of active component in local food has not been utilized optimally, still using simple processing technology, has not been accommodate appetite, and cost of the program is still rarely being evaluated. The study was done to test the acceptance and cost effectiveness (on weight increment and immunity) of supplementary foods functional biscuits symbiotic from local functional foods for underweight under five children. This study was an experimental study, in the form of food intervention and clinical test to 90 underweight under five children, who were given 50 g of supplementary food per day for 90 days. The study design was Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) double blind pre-post study with 1 group of conventional biscuits as the control group (F0), and 3 treatment groups of functional biscuits (F1, F2 and F3). Ethical clearance was obtained from national institute of health research and development of Indonesia. Results of the study showed that functional biscuits which were enriched with protein from catfish, soybean isolates and microencapsulated of probiotics Efaecium IS 27526as supplementary foods have high hedonic acceptability (80.7% said that the biscuits tastes good). Compliance of the underweight under five children on consuming the biscuits for 3 months of intervention was quite high, around 76.67% to 90.35%, with the average was 82.85%.Cost effectiveness of the conventional
biscuits (F0/control biscuits) on increasing the weight of under five children per 100 g was IDR101,127and on increasing the immunity response in the form of humeral immune response (sIgA) was IDR618,000 per 0.1 ug/g sIgA. While the functional biscuits (F1,F2, F3 and F4) were IDR66,l91; IDR612; IDR51.34 and IDR586.21, respectively (per 100 g of body weight), whereas the humeral immune response were IDR1,240.36; IDR932.40; IDR414.95 and IDR499.86 per 0.1 ug/g sIgA. Functional biscuits (F3; biscuits enriched with catfish protein, soybean isolate and cream containing microencapsulated probiotic E. faecium IS 27526) is safe, have better cost effectiveness and suitable for supplementary foods to accelerate nutritional status improvement (body weight and immunity) of underweight under five children.
Keywords: Supplementary foods, Functional biscuit, Acceptance, Cost effectiveness, Underweight children
- Community Nutrition [132]