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dc.contributor.authorFatikhunnada, Alvin
dc.contributor.authorSeminar, Kudang Boro
dc.contributor.authorSolahudin, Mohamad
dc.description.abstractMonitoring of agricultural farming system is necessary to maintenance the agriculture stock in that region. It can be done by direct observation (field observation) and remote sensing method. This paper discus about remote sensing for paddy field monitoring based on MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) time series data. Vegetation dynamics represented by the EVI values in time domain. Primary crop (paddy) and secondary crop classified and identified by the phenology pattern using k-mean clustering. Paddy field map of Jombang Regency was obtained from geospatial information agency and used to delimited paddy field area. The result showed that vegetation phenomena in paddy field can be classified and used for monitoring system. Both of direct observation and remote sensing data resulting the area of paddy and secondary crop production. Cropping pattern map from this approach provide a particular information that can't be done from direct observation such the distribution of 3th period crops and distribution of unproductive agriculture land which can be proved as agricultural and use
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.titleAnalisis Dinamika Vegetasi Padi Sawah Berbasis Modis EVI Time Series untuk Pemantuan Pertanian Kabupaten Jombangid
dc.subject.keywordVegetation dynamicsid
dc.subject.keywordMODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)id
dc.subject.keywordpaddy fieldid
dc.subject.keywordremote sensingid

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