Electrochemical Detection of Zanamivir Using Gold and Gold-Modified Boron Doped Diamond Electrode
Wahyuni, Wulan Tri
Tribidasari A, Ivandini
Saepudin, Endang
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Zanamivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor approved by WHO for treatment and prophylaxis of influenza virus A and B. Quantitative analysis of zanamivir is important to monitor its content in medicine and aquatic environment. This study addressed the electrochemical detection of zanamivir using gold and gold-modified boron doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. The measurement was conducted using cyclic voltammetry method. Logarithmic curve was consistently observed from measurement of zanamivir in wide range of concentration on three electrodes. Linear calibration curve of zanamivir was obtained in the oncentration range of L x 10-s - 1 x 10-a mol/L (r' - 0.969) on gold lectrode,5x10-6-1x10'+mol/L(rz=0.990)onAu-Delectrode,and1xL0-6-1x1.0-+ mol/L (r, - 0.998) on AuNPs-BDD. Meanwhile, the detection limit estimated to be L.19 x 1.0-6,'1..49 x 1,0-s, and 2.29 x 10-6 molfL, respectively for gold, Au-BDD, and AuNPs-BDD electrode. The precision of zanamivir measurements on three electrodes was good with %RSD < 2.5 o/o.
- Chemistry [143]