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dc.contributor.advisorFuah, Asnath Maria
dc.contributor.advisorAtabany, Afton
dc.contributor.authorSimamora, Ture
dc.description.abstractAnimal husbandry of dairy cattle is one effort in the field of a farm that has strategic role in meet the needs of food. The development of dairy cattle encourages the creation of animal husbandry is sustained. One of the areas animal husbandry of dairy cattle the people in North Sumatera are Karo District which until now are still experiencing stagnation. The Central Bureau of Statistics Karo year 2014 noted the population of dairy cattle years 2009-2011 down by 35.46%. In the 2012-2013 back increased by 29.07% of the population of 2011 but in general the data the last five years showed that the decrease in the population as much as 16.70%. A trend of decreasing is greatly affected by the condition of management and environment. Farm productivity of dairy cattle the people low was also affected the environment of the internal and external research so that aims for the evaluation of the technical aspects of animal husbandry and animal husbandry development strategy of dairy cattle the people according to the principle of good dairy farming practices (GDFP). The method used is the survey. The sample collection farmers use the survey respondents with a total of sampling as many as 18 peoples. The use of expert respondents research aimed to obtain relevant information in the preparation of the strategy the development of dairy cattle the people. The determination of purposively sampling done as many as 4 peoples. Data processing using chi-square test the results of research . The preparation of strategies carried out by classifying two enviroment factors which is external factors and internal analysis and training. The result showed the value of GDFP highest on the management aspects of as much as 3.05 (good category) and the lowest is at the health aspect of livestock 1.52 (category less good). The total score weights the internal environment factor of 2.502 the score and the total weight of the external environment factor 2.525. The position of internal external matrix be on a cell 5 shows the development of animal husbandry of dairy cattle the people who fit in karo district use strategy growth through horizontal
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subject.ddcAnimal Husbandryid
dc.subject.ddcKaro-Sumatera Utaraid
dc.titleEvaluasi Aspek Teknis dan Strategi Pengembangan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Kabupaten Karo Sumatera Utaraid
dc.subject.keywordtechnical aspectsid
dc.subject.keyworddairy cattleid

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