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dc.contributor.authorSuseno, Sugeng Heri
dc.contributor.authorIzaki, Ayu Fitri
dc.contributor.authorSuptijah, Pipih
dc.contributor.authorJacoeb, Agoes Mardiono
dc.identifier.issn2321 - 1571
dc.description.abstractIn Fish oil can be produced from fish meal industry by-products, but its fish oil has uninteresting color and high free fatty acids content so it needs to be purified. This study aimed to determine fatty acid profile of sardine oil, to determine free fatty acid adsorption kinetics model, and to determine sardine oil clarity after purification. Pseudo second order (k2) of attapulgite, bentonite, and chitosan treatment was 0.0344 g mg-1min-1, 0.0222 g mg-1min-1, and 0.0460 g mg-1min-1, respectively. The equilibrum adsorption capacity (qs) of attapulgite, bentonite, and chitosan treatment was 56.53 mg/gram, 42.40 mg/gram, and 47.11 mg/gram. The external film mass-transfer coefficient (KsA) was 0.0018 mL/s for attapulgite treatment, 0.0015 mL/s for chitosan treatment, and 0.0013 mL/s for bentonite treatment. The intraparticular diffusion coefficient (Kw) was 0.1542 mg mL-1 min-0.5 for attalpugite treatment, 0.1285 mg mL-1 min-0.5 for chitosan treatment, and 0.1156 mg mL-1 min-0.5 for bentonite treatment. Clarity for all treated fish oil increase with the increasing of adsorption time, and the equilibrum point has been reached at 60 minutes. Results indicated that attapulgite was the best adsorbent than chitosan and bentonite for free fatty acid removal from sardine
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 01– Issue 05;
dc.titleKinetic Study of Free Fatty Acid Adsorption Using Adsorbent in Sardine (Sardinella sp.) Oil Refiningid
dc.subject.keywordfree fatty acidid
dc.subject.keywordkinetics modelid
dc.subject.keywordpseudo-second orderid
dc.subject.keywordsardine oilid

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