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dc.contributor.advisorSuketi, Ketty
dc.contributor.advisorWidodo, Winarso Drajad
dc.contributor.authorSugito, Jamiludin
dc.description.abstractHarvesting and postharvest handling with good practices and timely can increase shelf life of fruit. This experiment aims to get the maturity criteria of postharvest ripeness, shelf life, and heat unit accumulation of Callina papaya of some harvesting date on different planting age. The experiment was conducted at the papaya farmer’s garden in Leuwisadeng, Bogor and Postharvest Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University in April to November 2014. The research was arranged by split plot randomized block design with 3 replication. The main plot was planting age while sub plot was harvesting date. The planting age at papaya population that was 9 and 15 months, while difference harvesting date of fruit that was 120, 125, 130, 135, and 140 Days After Anthesis. Planting age doesn’t effect criteria for post–harvest maturity of Callina papaya on 6 colour scale of skin fruit. Harvesting date effect the shelf life, skin fruit hardness, flesh fruit hardness, total soluble solid content, and vitamin C content. The best harvesting date was achieved in 125 DAA (heat unit accumulation 2 185.75 oC day) because the chemical quality and physical quality was good with the shelf life was 9 days. Callina papaya can be harvested on 120 DAA with heat unit accumulation 2 107.67 oC day. The longest shelf life for Callina papaya obtained at harvesting date 120 DAA with 10 days of shelf life that not different with harvesting date 125 DAA. The shortest shelf life for Callina papaya during 4–5 days obtained at harvesting date 135 and 140
dc.subject.ddcAgronomy and horticultureid
dc.titleKriteria Kematangan Pascapanen Buah Pepaya Callina pada Umur Petik dan Umur Tanaman Berbedaid
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural Universityid
dc.subject.keywordphysical qualityid
dc.subject.keywordshelf lifeid

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