This study aimed to analyze the participation rate of the consumption of various types of legumes, and their intake. The data used in this study are from electronic files of the food consumption and socio-economic data of Riskesdas 2010 collected by The Agency for Health Research and Development Ministry of Health, with the total subjects of 16.714 children aged 2-6 years who met the criteria. Subjects were grouped into 2-3 years and 4-6 years age group. Food intake data collected using a 24-hour recall method. The consumption of legumes was analyzed descriptively to determine the level of participation in consuming each type of legumes, which is expressed as a percentage of subjects consume the legumes. The amount of legumes consumption was expressed in grams percapita perday. The result of the analysis showed that the participation rate of legume consumption among children aged 2-6 years was 31.%. The participation rate of the consumption of tempe, tofu, green bean porridge, soy bean, peanut and another legumes was 21.1%, 11.4%, 0.9%, 0.1%, 2.8% and 1.0% respectively. The participation rate of tempe and tofu consumption among children aged 4-6 years was higher than that of children aged 2-3 years in both girls and boys. The mean intake of legumes among children aged 2-6 years was 57.3±42.0 g/capita/day among those children consumed legumes or 21.3±27.6/capita/day among all subjects. The mean intake of tempe, tofu, green bean porridge, soya bean, peanut, another legumes among those children consumed legumes was 53.8±32.2, 62.9±44.9, 138.4±100.3, 30.3±23.2, 36.0±24.6, 51.2±43.4 g/capita/day respectively. The mean intake of legumes by type legumes are relatively similiar between girls and boys. The mean intake of tempe and tofu among children 4-6 years is higher than 2-3 years old.
- Community Nutrition [132]