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dc.contributor.advisorSudrajat, Agus Oman
dc.contributor.advisorSoelistyowati, Dinar Tri
dc.contributor.authorPratamy, Yulia
dc.description.abstractThe Problems on catfish culture is a scarcity of seeds in the dry season due to the lack of availability of the broodstock catfish mature gonads. The purpose of this research was to induce gonad maturity catfish broodstock hormonally outside the spawning season with PMSG hormone. The tested fish were injected with treatment 0 IU / kg fish, 5 IU / kg of fish and 10 IU / kg fish. Pregnant Mare Serum Hormone Gonadotrophin (PMSG) is a hormone that can stimulate gonadal maturation in the catfish because it contains a lot of FSH and LH bit. PMSG hormone induced by injection intramuscularly given 2 weeks for 8 weeks. The results showed that the PMSG is able to accelerate the maturity of gonads catfish broodstock. The best dosage is 5 IU PMSG / kg fish / 2 weeks / 8 weeks. The results obtained percentage of mature fish gonads reaches 100% at week 8, whereas the treatment 0 IU / kg fish reach 30% the end of the study period. PMSG can be used to accelerate the maturity of gonads in brood fish catfish that seed production can be produced throughout the year.en
dc.subject.ddcResearch Subject Categories:Fisheries:Cat fishesen
dc.subject.ddcBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.ddcCatfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmusen
dc.subject.ddcPregnant Mare Serum gonadotrophin (PMSG)en
dc.subject.ddcMaturation of gonadsen
dc.titlePematangan Gonad Calon Induk Ikan Patin Siam Pangasianodon hypophthalmus di Luar Musim Pemijahan Menggunakan Hormon Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin (PMSG)en

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