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dc.contributor.authorYaqin, Khusnul
dc.contributor.authorLay, Bibiana Widiati
dc.contributor.authorRiani, Etty
dc.contributor.authorMasud, Zainal Alim
dc.contributor.authorHansen, Peter-Diedrich
dc.description.abstractSelected biomakers, Cholinesterase (ChE) and phagocytic activities have been investigated with the exposed green mussel Perna viridis in Indonesian coastal waters. An operative effect-based monitoring on two polluted sites and one reference area were investigated for aquaculture enterprises and human health aspects. Between two heavily polluted sites, green mussels from Cilincing indicated a lower level of the ChE activity than those from Kamal Muara. The phagocytic activity of green mussels from the polluted sites demonstrated significant higher activity than that of green mussels from the pristine site, Pangkep. However, there were no significant differences of phagocytic activities between the polluted sites. This might indicate that the existing pollutants in Jakarta Bay were more neurotoxic rather than immonotoxic substances. The results showed clearly that both selected biomarkers were potential valuable tools for effect-based monitoring and pollution impacts in coastal zones of Indonesia.en
dc.publisherAcademic Journals
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 3(14), pp. 356-366;
dc.subject.ddcGreen musselen
dc.subject.ddccoastal zone managementen
dc.titleHot spot biomonitoring of marine pollution effects using cholinergic and immunity biomarkers of tropical green mussel (Perna viridis) of the Indonesian watersen

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