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dc.contributor.authorM. Rahmat
dc.contributor.authorW. Maulina
dc.contributor.authorD.Y.N. Miftah
dc.contributor.authorN. Sukmawati
dc.contributor.authorE. Rustami
dc.contributor.authorM. Azis
dc.contributor.authorK.B. Seminar
dc.contributor.authorA.S. Yuwono
dc.contributor.authorY.H. Cho
dc.contributor.authorH. Alatas
dc.description.abstractWe luve developed• novel ozone gu sensor ~sed on one dimensio~I photonic crysUI with two defects. In this pl•tform. lhe g•S is dissolved in a specific buffer k.ilium iodide re.igent to include the Bttr Lambert effect. Thecorresponding which w•s fabriuted by usina sol-gel method consists of• high rdr•ctive index l•yer of TiOJ •nd •low refractive index layer or SiOJ. Prior to the fabric•tion or corresponding photonic crystal, we grew the Ti02 and Si<>J single layer sepM.itdy in order to ensure that the performance of each l•yer fultilled the required characteristics providtd by our simul.ition. After that. the fabrication processed was conducted layer-by-layer •nd inspected by spectrophotometer. The perfonn.mce test or t.he r.ibricated photonic crysul. includina its validation. accuncy and sensitivity. wu then conducttd through spectroscopic treat~nt and we used ozoniur u the gas source. V•lidation test wa.s perfonned by comparing the results with measurement using NBKI method .ind showed a good agreemenr. It was found that the accuracy value is up to 98.75%. Based on <11 st•tistical approach. we found that the limit or detection is 1.067 μ.gjml .imbient air.en
dc.publisherElsevier Lid.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesA 220 (2014) 53-61;
dc.subject.ddcOzone gasen
dc.subject.ddcPhotonic crystal sensoren
dc.subject.ddcSol-gel Methoden
dc.subject.ddcBeer-Lambert effecten
dc.titleDevelopment of a novel ozone gas sensor bas~d on sol-gel fabricated photonic crystalen

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