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dc.contributor.authorAmeliawati, Presti
dc.contributor.authorMuJyani, Yeni A.
dc.contributor.authorHiguchi, Hiroyoshi
dc.description.abstractOnental Honey 811::.zards (OHBs, Penns ptilorliy11chus) are migratory rnptors w/11d1 hnve w111/eri11g grounds 111 f11don es1n. OHBs' wrnlcring Jw/11/11/s c1111 be drmded mlo core and edge J111b1tals w1l11 unique landsrnpe cliaractens/1cs, 11'/11d1 influence l1'111len11g s1/r selet /um. Talaga8odasands11rroundmgt1r.'alws fi<•emdcn11fiedas wmleri11g Jwb1tat of OHB based sale/11/e lrackmg data. TI1eob1ertwe of tl11s sludy were to: 1) modeling the cfo:/rrbulion of wintering lwbilal of OHB in Talaga Bodas; 2) analyzemicro J111bilats of trcget11tionaspecl inTalagaBodas; 3) 1mpl1ca llo11~ of 111111/enng Jiab1talmanagemenl in\ Vesl ]m1a. Main methodology was combining salellile-trackmg data of OHB mi/11 the GIS/mnote sensing datausing logtsl1c regression model. 18 Enmronmenlal 11ariable used in this sludy include nearest distance lo the cil'l•atron (0- 300m, 300-500111, 500-700111, 700-1000111, >1000111),slope (0-3%, 3-8%, 8-15%, 15- 25%, 25-40%, >40%) and la111lcover (water body, paddy ficlcl,abandon land,settlement,slirub,plantntion,foresl). Only 7 variables were detected as important variable for clmracteririzing Ille d1stnbution of wrntering lwbital. Wintering l111b1/11t dislribution model werepredominanlly influenced by 1) slopt. 25%-40,o, 2) ele1•al1011 0-300 111, 3) elernlion 300-500 m, 4) £'/evation > 1000 m, 5) forest, 6) paddy field and 7) waler body. '171.e results of ll1e vegetation 11nalysis's known Iha/ tire core habitat biodiversity tend lo lim•e less variable than lhe edge Jiabitals. The resulls oftl11s studywillbe usedfonnrmagemenf ofwmlennghabitat for OHB. Key words:logrstfr regress1011, orieula/ honey-buzzards, satelille tracJ..i11g, talaga bodas, wi11ler111g li11bitaten
dc.publisherDepartemen Arsitektur Lanskap, Fakultas Pertanian lnstitut Pertanian Bogor
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 5 Nomor 2;
dc.titleKarateristik Habitat Musim Dingin Sikep Madu Asia (Pernis Ptylorhynchus) Di Talaga Bodas, Jawa Barat Berbasis Data Satellite Trackingen

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