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dc.contributor.advisorJoan, Afsitin
dc.contributor.authorTatra, Afsitin Joan
dc.description.abstractFiber is one of the important nutrients in the diet, especially for ruminants because fiber is a source of energy for the rumen microbes. Availability fiber is an important factor in the formulation of feed for ruminants because of shortage and excess fiber would affect the health of ruminants. This study aims to determine the feed materials used and the adequacy of nutrients, especially fiber effectively given to cattle. This research was carried out by conducting exploratory interviews and sampling of feed materials. Data were collected in five villages with each village consists of 6 breeder. Preparation of rations for ruminants is currently expected not only by BK, CP and TDN but also by fibers mainly NDF and ADF. NDF and ADF content of feed materials ranging from 26.45% - 92.13% and 22:44% - 54.51%, with the total number of awarding NDF and ADF in the ration of 65.33% and 38.57%. Variations in the content of NDF and ADF on feed materials resulting from forage sources used are also varied, especially in the dry season, so that farmers are using agricultural waste as a substitute source of fiber from grass. Agricultural waste contains anti-nutritional tannins especially when excessive aka damage the health of livestock. Tannin content ranging from 0.03%, feed ingredients - 2:43% with tannins in the ration of 0.023%. NDF and ADF content of the ration exceeds the needs of dairy cows which led to reduced energy density and can reduce production. Tannin content in the diet is very small so it does not interfere with the health of livestock.en
dc.subject.ddcAnimal husbandryen
dc.subject.ddcAnimal nutritionen
dc.subject.ddcBandung-Jawa Baraten
dc.titleKetersediaan Serat Efektif dan Kandungan Tanin Ransum Sapi Perah pada Peternakan Rakyat di Lembang serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produksi dan Kualitas Susuen
dc.subject.keywordNeutral Detergent Fiberen
dc.subject.keywordMilk Cowen

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