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dc.contributor.authorSantosa, Dwi Andreas
dc.contributor.authorWidyastuti, Rahayu
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research wem to; 1) test and select leaf microbe ccnsortium from plant of black water ecosyste'!' (LEC~ to promote growth and production of rice, and 2) evaluate kind, dosage, ~uencr of LMC on ¥'?wth and production of~The research was conducted in pot experiment et green house's Indonesian Sp!C9s and Med1emal Research tnst1Me, while the laboratoty experiment in Microbiology Laboratory Environment Bogor University and Soil and Plant Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Research Institute. Result the research showed that application fourth LMC effeded significantly growth and production of rice at 4 month after planting, the contraty dosage and frequency. The best LMC in creasing growth, yield, and N,P, and K uptake of rice was obtained et old leaves of Tttramerista g/ab"!. Leaf_mict'?be ~sortium '""!1 '?Id leaves of Tllram&rista glabr8 young leaves of Tristania maingayi produce fitohormon 1.e. auxin, g1berrelm, and cytoldnm. However LMC from old fems of Nepenthes empularia (Mt), and young leaves of Campnosperma auricvlatum could not measured. LMC old leaves of Ttftamerista gtabra, young Jeeves of Tristania maingayi, old leaves of Nepenthes empularia, and young leaves of Campnosperma euriculatum consisted to Leuoonostoc sp., and Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Caryophanon sp, 8fld Leoconostoc sp.. Bacillus sp., snd Caryophanon sp., snd Serratis marcescens. Enterobacter aerogenes, and E. agglomerans respectively.en
dc.titleRespon Tanaman Padi Terhadap Jenis, Dosis, Oan Frekuensi Pemberian Konsorsium Mikroba Daun Berasal Dari Tumbuhan Ekosistem Air Hitamen
dc.subject.keywordkonsorsium mikrobaen
dc.subject.keywordekosistem air hitamen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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