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dc.contributor.authorSeptiani, Winnie
dc.contributor.authorHerdiyeni, Yeni
dc.contributor.authorHaditjaroko, Liesbetini
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this paper was to develop a framework model for sustainable suppl)· chain risk for dairy indust~· based on knowledge base. It presented a conceptual framework with integrated risk supply chain and knowledge base systems. The critical point of dairy located on the product which has the characteristic easy damage. Risk-damaged dairy contaminated with bacteria due to improper handling of dairy. Risk occurred in each activity in the supply chain network ranging from farmer. cooperative and dairy processing _industry. The structured ap1>roarh of supply chain risk divided into the phases of risk identification, risk measurement and risk assessment, risk evaluation and risk mitigation and contingency plans; ;ind risk control and monitoring s.\·stem based on kno'' ledge base system. Adding h'.nowledge base component to risk supply chain will produce the following process: knowledge base risk rapture, knol\ ledge base risk discoYer)', knowledge base risk examination, knowledge base risk sharing. knowledge base risk evaluation and knowledge base risk repositor)·. The relationship between risk factor, risks and their consequences are represented on Failure l\lode and Effect Anal)·sis (F:\IEA) and llierarrhical Risk Breakdown Structure (II RBS). Likelihood of risk C\'ent occurring. the Incl of dependence bet\\ een risks and severity of risk event are quantified using linguistic 'ariables and fuzz)· logic. The proposed S,\'Stem was designed b)" Intelligent Derision Support S,\·srem (IDSS). The design of this model was able to improve lhe effectiveness of decisionmaking with regard to the organization of knol\ ledge. storage and sharing of knowledge in the agro-indust1)· suppl)• chain risks dai~· h'.en
dc.publisherIEEE Indonesia Section
dc.titleFramework Model of Sustainable Supply Chain Risk for Dairy Agroindustry Based on Knolvledge Baseen
dc.subject.keywordsupply chain risken
dc.subject.keyworddairy agroindusten
dc.subject.keywordfuzzy logicen
dc.subject.keywordknowledge haseen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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