Aktifitas Antibiosis Bakteri Endofit dari Tanaman Sirih terhadap Cendawan Patogen Tular Tanah
The objective of this study was to isolate endophytic bacteria from betel and to select their antibiosis activity against several soil-borne fungal diseases Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Scleoritum sp., dan Fusarium sp.. The isolation of endophytic bacteria was carried out through surface sterilization method with 70% alcohol, 4% NaOCl and sterile distilled water. A total of 50 isolates were isolated from root and shoot of betel. After hypersensitive test, 12 isolates showed negative reaction and 38 isolates were positive reaction. Based on in vitro antibiosis test, 2 isolates of 12 isolates showed against Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Scleoritum sp., dan Fusarium sp..
- Plant Protection [185]