Identifikasi Literasi Informasi Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Kurikulum Di Sekolah Dasar

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Marseno, Ronald
Kusuma, Wisnu Ananta
Saleh, Abdul Rahman
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Information literary is defined n1ore thnn just using technology to obtain injonJ1ation snch as the use of internet and e·hook, or libra1J' user education that have becot11e one of pnblic service in a library. Itif0n11atio11 literary skills need to be supported bj• another skill, one of which is digital literary skill This sturfy aitned to identify infortJ1atio11 literary skills 11si11g infonJ1atio11 technology and digital literary skills referring to standard conditions a11d ol!}eclives that have been implenJented in learning activities. Descriptive approach which refers lo the TRAILS' (Tool far Rea/.fi111e Assess111e11t of IJterary Skills) and SPCLC digital literatJ' standards 11sed as a 1nethod in this st"dJ'. lVe investigated the digital lt'tera91 skills and the information litera9• skills of students fro111 two elt1nentary school in Jakarta. The res1J/t sh01ved that the digital literary skills of the students did not affect to their infor111atio11 literary skills. Therefqywe reco111n1e11d to condt1ct Clfrrictt/11111 develop111ent which integrate information literary suiject in activities of learning by Hsing comp11ter and internet.
- Librarian [270]