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dc.contributor.advisorRusdiana, Omo
dc.contributor.advisorIman, La Ode Syamsul
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Riski Ambar
dc.description.abstractInconsistency between land use and Spatial Planning (RTRW) direction, the condition of land capability class, and status of forest become main issue in degradation of land resources. This is justified by the existence of critical land as the one of land degradation indicator. This research discusses the distribution of critical land in relation to spatial planning, status of the area, and land use, land capability class in Lahat regency. Data processing used digital map overlay method. Analysis result of degraded land criteria from the Ministry of Environment (KLH) and the Center for Regional Development Planning Assessment (P4W) IPB showed that the critical level of land in Lahat regency has five categories, not critical, critical potential, rather critical, critical, and very critical. Critical category has 35 370 Ha area which dominated by forest for other land uses, spread across 15 district consist of Jarai, Maura Payang, and Tanjung Sakti Pumu districts. Very critical category spread across 19 district dominated in Pagar Gunung and South Merapi subdistricts with 33 277 Ha in cultivation area of other land use area. Critical land is created by utilization of land which exceeds capacity or physical carrying capacity of land, inappropriate with spatial planning (RTRW) in spite of forest area status.en
dc.subject.ddcLahat-Sumatera Selatanen
dc.titleSebaran Lahan Kritis dalam Kaitannya dengan Daya Dukung Fisik dan Nama NIM Penataan Ruang di Kabupaten Lahat, Sumatera Selatan.en
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordpatterns of space.en
dc.subject.keywordland useen
dc.subject.keywordcritical landen
dc.subject.keywordland capabilityen
dc.subject.keywordInconsistency landen

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