Fuzzy Clustering in Grouping Traditional Market Distribution and Genetic Algorithm Application in Routing of Packed Cooking Oil Distribution
Primawati Utami, Teja
Maarif, Syamsul
Arkeman, Yandra
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This paper presents the modelling of intelligent routing of transportation of I)ackaging cooking oil from the distribution center to traditional market in the cluster in Indonesia, especiall~' in Jakarta. Indonesia is the nation who has many islands. E"cry island has different population of Ilcople. E"eryday many people go to traditional market to buy main consumption products like palm oil etc. Price of palm oil is very sensitive to increase when it lack at the market, so sustainability of present palm oil at the markl!l is "ery important. Focus of this research is to demonstrate how to optimize routing distribution from distribution centre to markets in the cluster. Optimum route hopefully can guarantee the a\'ailability of product and stock in the market to maintaining the price. The clustering is created by fuzzy clustering and the routing is created by Transllortation Salesperson Problem (TSP) with Genetic Algorithm (GA) method. Genetic algorithm is a method for solving optimization problem that based on e\'olutionary theory in biology.