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Joglo And Rumah Gadang, As A Solution Earthquake Resistant Houses In Indonesia
(2015)Traditional culture of the world situated in natural disaster areas usually have local wisdom embedded in their house design. The Javanese Culture of Yogyakarta and The Minang Culture of West Sumatra are two indigenous ... -
Analisis Keberlanjutan Pengembangan Peternakan Sapi Perah Aspek Sumber Daya Manusia Di Jawa Barat
(2023)Penelitian ini melihat faktor pengungkit (leverage) keberlanjutan dari aspek sumber daya manusia. Adapun atribut sumberdaya manusia yang menjadi kajian ini adalah tingkat pendidikan, pernah mengikuti penyuluhan bidang ... -
Rica and the Rolled-out Periuk: Lessons from Incorporating GESI Perspective in Livelihood Analysis in Sumatera, Indonesia
(2021-09)Community and household are often perceived as what Elmhirst (2015) called ‘arenas of assumed common interest’, which think that the impact of development activities should be the same for community as a whole, and for ... -
Genetic Consequences of Plant Propagation Methods in Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting System: A case study in Shorea johorensis Foxw
(2008-10-27)Attempts to rehabilitate degraded natural forests in Indonesia are recently carried out by applying selective cutting and line planting system. One of the most important aspects in this silvicultural system is the procurement ... -
(2014-11-28)Microclimate analysis of a standard peak type greenhouse has been conducted using 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The objectives of this research were to predict air temperature and relative humidity distribution ... -
Design Of A Sustainable Greenhouse Structure For The Tropical Regions: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods
(2012)In the future, greenhouse in Indonesia will be used not only in vegetble and ornamental crop production but also in the production of plant seedlings, either from according to its humid tropical climate. The purpose of ... -
Keanekaragaman serangga dan peranannya di daerah persawahan di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Desa Malasari, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
(1998)Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh hutan terhadap keanekaragaman spesies serangga di persawahan yang berlokasi di dekat hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat. Contoh serangga diambil dengan menggunakan ... -
Potential Of Indonesia's Indigenous Dark Septate Endophytic Fungi To Control Fusarium Wilt In Vitro
(2018)Research on Dark Septate Endophytic (DSE) fungi in Indonesia is still limited. Therefore, efforts should be made: to investigate the potential of indigenous DSE fungi from Indonesia that can be used as a biological ... -
Inventory And Identification Of Fungus Causative Leaf Spot In Labon (Anthocephalus sp.) In Indonesia
(2018)Jaban (Anlhocp}Ja/tll sp.) is the one of the most economicaUy forestry crops. Jabon has several advantages compared to other woody plants. Among benefil3 of jabon include a very straight stem, has rapid gro~ and has a ... -
Exploration Of Endophytic Bacteria From Mangrove In Java And The Biocontrol Activily Against Fungal Pathogen Phytophthora Colocasiae
(2018)rv[angrove fo rest plays an important role as a buffer area of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, reduces abrasion by sea water, provides food and nutrients for several species of marine animals, and becomes source of ... -
Aktifitas Biokontrol Bakteri Endofit Asal Tanaman Kopi terhadap Cendawan Patogen Sclerotium sp. secara in vitro
(2016)Bakteri endofit adalah mikroba yang hidup dan berasosiasi di dalam jaringan hampir semua jenis tanaman dan tidak menimbulkan gejala penyakit terhadap tanaman inangnya. Bakteri endofit diuga dapat meningkatkan ketahanan dan ... -
Seduhan Daun dan Buah Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) untuk Mengendalikan Nematoda Perongga Akar Radopholus similis secara in vitro
(2016)Radopholus similis is a nematode that infects many plantation crops. Infected plant roots by nematodes will show necrosis symptoms, then rot due to infection of secondary pathogens. Control of R. similis that is effective, ... -
Aktivitas Nematisidal Daun, Batang, dan Bunga Tithonia diversifolia terhadap Nematoda Puru Akar Meloidogyne incognita secara in vitro
(2016)Root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita is a soil-borne pathogen in plantation crops. Tea, coffee, pepper, tobacco, and patchouli plant have been reported as host of this nematode. Environmentally friendly, inexpensive, ... -
Kelimpahan dan Keragaman Bakteri Endofit Asal Tanaman Arecaceae (Pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes), Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guinensis), Kelapa Kopyor (Cocos nucifera), Aren (Arenga pinata) dan Nibung (Oncosperma filamentosa)
(2016)Arecaceae is one of several plantation commodities in Indonesia. The study of Arecaceae bacterial endophyte is still very few. This research aimed to obtain endophytic bacteria in roots and leaves of Arecaceae family such ... -
Keragaman Nematoda Parasit Tanaman pada Rizofer dan Akar Kina (Cinchona ledgeriana) di Gambung, Indonesia
(2016)Quinine plant (Cinchona ledgeriana) is widely used in the industrial and pharmaceutical world because these plants contain high alkaloid compounds. In 1950, Szkolnik reported some nematodes that infect this plant in India ... -
(2013)Tingginya permintaan akan benang sutera dari ulat sutera liar Attacus atlas tidak dapat dipenuhi karena pemenuhannya hanya mengambil dari alamo Eksplorasi berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kepunahan plasma nutfah. Perlu ... -
Community Based Tourism Development on Eco-Culture Tourism in Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra
(2012)Minongkabou in West Sumatra is one 0/ the lost matrilineal ethnic-group in the world. On one hand, the rule on "ancient belongings'" {Horta Pusaka Tinggi} Is safe the land-ownership and land-use pattern in the areo - ...