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dc.contributor.authorGranadeiro, Hermenegildo de Almeida
dc.description.abstractAgroforestry between sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) need an additional compost to preserve land fertility. Compost is an organic material which is an important soil amendment for plant growth. Compost improves a soil structure by improving soil organic material content and improves soil capacity in soil water content. Beneficial microbial activity will be improved with additional compost. Improvements of soil physical condition as one of necessity to return the land that were damaged. This research aims to measure the effect of compost fertilizer towards lamtoro growth and sorghum in dry land. The experimental design used for this research was Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) of single factor with dose of compose 0 ton/ha (control), 4 ton/ha and 8 ton/ha in three replicates and 100 m² as the experimental unit of research area. The effect of fertilizer dosage towards height plant, plant diameter, seeds weight, leaf weight of sorghum and lamtoro were measured. Various respons were obtained due to climate factor, soil factor and plants. The effect of fertilizer dosage to height, diameter of lamtoro and sorghum was observed during 3 months. Fertilizer dosage treatment 0 kg/100 m² gave 121.7 cm, 40 kg/100 m² gave 119.37 cm and 80 kg/100 m² 119.90 cm for height of lamtoro. Base on this research, it was known that utilization of fertilizer at dosage of 8 ton/ha was the most excellent respons than the dosage of 4 ton/ha and 0 ton/ha.en
dc.subject.ddcTimor Lesteen
dc.titlePemanfaatan Kompos Organik untuk Pertumbuhan Semai Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) dan Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.) di Lahan Persemaian Maubara, Kabupaten Liquisa Timor Lesteen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordorganic compost and sorghumen
dc.subject.keywordlamtoro seedlingen

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