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dc.contributor.authorHusein F, Syadam
dc.contributor.authorMaulida, Ria
dc.contributor.authorFitriana, Maya
dc.contributor.authorAmelianing M., Linly
dc.contributor.authorPramudita W, Triatmadja
dc.description.abstractFish the cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is ornamental fish which have iridescent particles that can confound the color when it gets reflected rays are so relatively great demand. Cardinal fish production in Indonesia has not been able to meet demand given the fecundity cardinal fish is fairly low. Testicular cell transplant technology is used to help the fish production of the cardinal. Okutsu et al. (2006) States that the testicular cell transplantation of fish is a technology that can be used to reverse engineer seed production through the landlady (surrogate broodstock). Host fish must have advantages such as the characteristics and size of the fish that resembled egg donor and pemijahannya technology has been mastered very well. One of the types of fish that are potentially great use as landlady fish cardinal tetra are carp (Cyprinus carpio). The transplant was carried out in a way mentransplantasikan germinal cells in the form of primordial germ cells (PGC) or spermatogonia cells that have yet to differentiate into the abdominal cavity of fish larvae recipients as well, so that the donor cells differentiate into eggs or sperm donor at the fish in the fish body recipients as well. Cell staining method is done using PKH-26 to observe the success of transplants performed. The preliminary results of the study show that testicular size s cardinal fish (16-18 cm) stem cells is used as either a percentage of spermatogonia of 76,90%. The transplant is performed using mikroinjektor by injecting a dose of 5,000 cells/ 0.5 ìl, 0.5: 10,000 cells/ 0.5 ìl, and 20,000 cells/ 0.5 ìl 5 per tail. Observations on the 21st day of pascatransplantasi through luminescence PKH-26 showed that at doses of injecting 10,000 cells/ 0.5 ìl colonisatied of 70%. The survival of the fish the best transplant results obtained on the dose injecting 10,000 cells/ 0.5 ìl. so that it can be said that a good stem cells used for transplants come from cardinal fish-size 16-18 cm with a dose of injecting 10,000 cells/ 0.5 ìl.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
dc.titleKarakterisasi dan optimasi jumlah sel testikular dalam rangka rekayasa produksi ikan cardinal (Paracheirodon axelrodi) menggunakan teknologi transplantasi sel pada ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio)en
dc.subject.keywordcardinal tetraen
dc.subject.keywordtesticular cell transplant Technologyen
dc.subject.keywordgerminal cellsen

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