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dc.contributor.advisorHaryanto, Toto
dc.contributor.authorKurniawan, Rizky
dc.description.abstractProteins are composed of series and combination of 20 - amino acid. Each Protein has the composition of the amino - acid sequence which is different one from another. The classification of Protein is contributed as a guide to determine the structure, activity and role in the metabolism of organism. Since necessary to classifying proteins into appropriate classes, new sequences needed. Since the number of sequences that appear, new method of classifying proteins into appropriate classes. The purpose of this study is to apply the algorithm Probabilistic Neural Network ( PNN ) with four bias to classify the protein family. There are three classes of protein family data, namely class 1 - cysPrx_C , 4HBT and ABC_Tran. Each class is taken as 100 Data.en
dc.subject.ddcNeural networken
dc.subject.ddcComputer Scienceen
dc.titleKlasifikasi Protein Family Menggunakan Algoritme Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)en
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordProtein Family.en
dc.subject.keywordFeature Extraction Markov Chainen
dc.subject.keywordProbabilistic Neural Network (PNN)en

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