Model pemberdayaan petani-nelayan berbasis Kelembagaan lokal dan agroekosistem untuk Peningkatan daya saing dan pendapatan
Usaha petani dan nelayan kecil sangat bergantung kepada kondisi agroekosistem, kondisi sosial, mutu, dan harga jual produk. Penelitian bertujuan menemukan model alternatif pemberdayaan petani dan nelayan. Pendekatan research for development (R for D) dengan multi metode digunakan dalam penelitian. Data didapat melalui rapid assessment, observasi, wawancara, diskusi kelompok terfokus, kaji tindak, dan dialog multipihak. Rapid assessment dilaksanakan pada 60 responden representatif petani dan nelayan pada agroekosistem sawah dan pesisir.Kaji tindak dilaksanakan di Desa Muara dan Benteng. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mutu produk berhubungan positif dengan pendapatan.Kesadaran masyarakat dalammengelola usaha berbasis agroekosistem disertai pengembangan kelompok usaha dan layanan penyuluhan yang profesional dapat meningkatkan daya saing. Small-scale farming and fisheries business are highly depended on socio-agroecosystem condition, quality and performance of their products. The research aimed at formulating alternative model of farmers and fishery community empowerment. The research used research for development approach with mult i methods include rapid assessment, observation, interview, focused group discussion, action research, and multistakeholder dialogues. Farmers and fisheries representatives in six villages from different types of agroecosystem and related informants involved in the research. Action research was conducted in Muara and Benteng Villages to learn how the changes witih community. Research results showed that quality of the products positively correlated to income of farming business. Community awareness and motivation to improve their socio-ecnomics and environment, technical skills and professional extension services are key factors of the successful empowerment.
- Research Proceeding [307]