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dc.contributor.advisorKustiyah, Lilik
dc.contributor.authorChairil, M. Mifthah Faridh
dc.description.abstractPrevalensi anemia pada remaja putri meningkat dari 6.9% (2008) menjadi 18.4% (2013). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah formulasi flakes yang dibuat dari pati garut, isolat protein kedelai, dan tepung tapioka, dengan bahan tambahan taburia (multivitamin dan mineral), gula, garam, air, margarin dan coklat. Flakes dengan substitusi 10% isolat protein kedelai lebih diterima secara organoleptik daripada 20% dan 30% substitusi isolat protein kedelai. Lalu, dilakukan fortifikasi taburia pada formula terpilih, fortifikasi 50% AKG zat besi dipilih berdasarkan berbagai pertimbangan daripada flakes dengan fortifikasi 25% AKG zat besi. Penambahan rasa coklat meningkatkan penerimaan pada flakes. Flakes dengan coklat memiliki sifat fisik yang lebih baik, tetapi memiliki kandungan gizi yang lebih rendah daripada flakes tanpa coklat. Kontribusi protein dan zat besi terhadap AKG remaja putri pada flakes dengan coklat masing-masing 5.14 – 6.02% dan 39.46%; sedangkan tanpa coklat masing- masing 5.82 – 6.80% dan 68.92%. Kesimpulan: flakes dengan coklat lebih baik dari segi penerimaan, tetapi lebih rendah dari segi kandungan gizi dari flakes tanpa penambahan coklat.en
dc.description.abstractPrevalence of anemia among adolescence girls have been increased dramatically, i.e 6.9% (2008) become 18.4% (2013). The aim of this study was formulation of flakes made from arrowroot starch, soy protein isolate, and tapioca starch, then was added with taburia (consist of multivitamin and minerals), sugar, salt, water, butter and chocolate. Flakes made of 10% soy protein isolate was the most acceptable organoleptically than 20 and 30% soy protein isolate substitution. Then, taburia fortification was applied to this formula, 50 % RDA of iron fortification was more reasonable to be selected than 25% one according to contribution of iron. Addition of chocolate flavor resulted in improving acceptability of flakes. Flakes with chocolate flavor has better physical properties, but nutrients content were lower than without chocolate. Contribution to RDA of protein and iron of adolescence of flakes with chocolate flavor were 5.14 – 6.02% and 39.46%; and without chocolate flavor were 5.82 – 6.80% and 68.92%, respectively. Conclusion: flakes with chocolate has better of acceptability, but lower in nutrients content than without it.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleFormulasi flakes berbasis Pati Garut dengan fortifikasi zat besi (Fe) untuk remaja putrien
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen
dc.subject.keywordisolat protein kedelaien
dc.subject.keywordpati garuten

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