Screen Time, asupan lemak dan serat serta status gizi siswa sekolah dasar di Kota Bogor
ISNA NURLELA NASUTION. Screen Time, Asupan Lemak dan Serat serta Status Gizi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bogor. Dibimbing oleh IKEU TANZIHA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh screen time terhadap asupan lemak dan serat serta status gizi siswa sekolah dasar di Kota Bogor. Desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional study mulai September sampai November 2013. Dilakukan metode random sampling dalam pemilihan kelas di empat sekolah dasar, kemudian dari masing-masing kelas diambil seluruh siswa sebagai contoh. Contoh berjumlah 125 siswa kelas 6 sekolah dasar. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan sekunder serta analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji beda Mann Whitney, Independent sample T test, uji korelasi Spearman, dan uji regresi linear berganda. Sebagian besar contoh menghabiskan waktu lebih dari dua jam/hari untuk kegiatan didepan layar (screen time) seperti menonton televisi, bermain play station, menggunakan komputer dan handphone. Tidak terdapat perbedaan asupan lemak dan serat serta status gizi antara kategori high screen time dan low screen time. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin kategori high screen time dan low screen time. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi adalah kebiasaan konsumsi buah dan pendidikan ayah. ISNA NURLELA NASUTION. Screen Time, Fat and Fiber Intake, and Nutritional Status at Elementary School Children in Bogor. Supervised by IKEU TANZIHA. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of screen time on fat and fiber intake, and nutritional status of elementary school children in Bogor. The design of this study was a cross sectional, it was held between September and November 2013. Random sampling method was used in the selection of classes in four elementary schools, and then from each class was taken all students as an example. Total examples were 125 students in grade 6 elementary school. The data collected were primary and secondary data and statistical analysis used were Mann Whitney test, Independent sample T test, Spearman Correlation test, and multiple linear regressions test. Most of sample spent more than two hours/day for activity in front of the screen (screen time), such as watching television, playing play station, using computers and mobile phones. There were no differences in fat and fiber intake and nutritional status between categories high screen time and low screen time. There was differences in gender between categories high screen time and low screen time.The factors that influence nutritional status were fruit consumption habits and father's education.
- Community Nutrition [132]