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dc.contributor.advisorAnwar, Ruly
dc.contributor.authorFebrina, Syifa
dc.description.abstractKutudaun merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman sayuran. Serangan kutudaun terlihat cukup tinggi pada tanaman wortel, bawang daun dan mentimun. Cendawan Entomothorales diketahui dapat menjadi penyebab patogen pada beberapa serangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan menghitung tingkat infeksi Neozygites sp. (Zygomycotina: Entomothorales) pada kutudaun wortel, bawang daun dan mentimun di Bogor, Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan penggunaan cendawan tersebut sebagai agens pengendali hayati pada kutudaun. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Mei 2014 sampai Agusutus 2014. Pengambilan sampel kutudaun pada tanaman wortel dan bawang daun dilakukan di Desa Tugu Selatan, Cisarua, Bogor sedangkan pengambilan sampel kutudaun pada tanaman mentimun dilakukan di Desa Taman Sari, Taman Sari, Bogor. Pengambilan sampel kutudaun dilakukan seminggu 1 kali selama 4 minggu. Sampel kutu yang diperoleh dari lapang dimasukkan ke dalam alkohol 70%, selanjutnya sampel kutudaun dibuat preparat dengan larutan lactophenol-cottonblue. Preparat kutudaun diidentifikasi menggunakan mikroskop cahaya untuk mengetahui fase cendawan yang menginfeksi kutudaun yaitu hyphal bodies, primary conidia, secondary conidia, saprophytic fungi dan resting spores. Fase Neozygites sp. yang ditemukan adalah badan hifa, konidia primer, konidia sekunder dan cendawan saprofitik. Rata -rata tingkat infeksi tertinggi terjadi pada kutudaun mentimun sebesar (64.65%) dan rata-rata tingkat infeksi terendah terjadi pada kutudaun bawang daun sebesar (6.43%)en
dc.description.abstractAphids are considered as ones of the important pests in vegetable crops. The aphid populations were relatively high on carrot, green onion and cucumber as well. Entomophthoralean fungi have been known as the pathogenic fungi in some insects. The objective of this research was to explore and determine the infection levels of Neozygites sp. (Zygomycotina: Entomothorales) on carrot aphid, green onion, and cucumber at Bogor. The results of this research can be considered to use these entomophthoralean fungus as one of biological control agents on aphids. The research was conducted from May until August 2014. The carrot aphids and the green onion aphids were sampled in Tugu Selatan village, Cisarua, Bogor. On the other hand, the cucumber aphids were sampled in Taman Sari village, Taman Sari, Bogor. Aphids were sampled 1 time weekly for 4 weeks. The samples were preserved in 30 ml screw cup vials filled with 70% alcohol. These were later will be processed in the laboratory to confirm presence of the fungi. Microscope slide squash mounts in lactophenol cotton blue were made for the aphids on each plant to determine if secondary conidia, hyphal bodies, conidiophores, primary conidia, and resting spores were present. The Neozygites sp. development stage were found on aphids were hyphal bodies, primary conidia, secondary conidia and saprophytic fungi. The highest fungus infection levels occurred on cucumber aphid (64.65%) and the lowest fungus infection levels occurred on green onion aphid (6.43%)en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.titleEksplorasi neozygites sp. (zygomycotina: entomophthorales) pada kutudaun wortel, bawang daun dan mentimun di Bogoren
dc.title.alternativeExploration of neozygitessp. (zygomycotina: entomophthorales) on carrot aphid, green onion, and cucumber at Bogoren
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen
dc.subject.keywordagens pengendali hayatien

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