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dc.contributor.authorFaridah, Didah Nur
dc.contributor.authorYasni, Sedarnawati
dc.contributor.authorSuswantinah, Antin
dc.contributor.authorAryani, Ghesi Wuri
dc.identifier.citationJurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI), April 2013 Vol. 18 (1): 4348en
dc.identifier.issn0853 – 4217
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to find chemical and microbiological characteristics of instant bandrek and nutmeg syrup from Sinarsari and Dramaga villages, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency. The analysis resulted that both products still fulfilled the quality standard of microbiological set by the Indonesian National Standard. The antioxidant capacity of instant bandrek and nutmeg syrup consecutively was equivalent with 256.12 mg AEAC per serving size and 775.62 mg AEAC per serving size, respectively. The toal phenolic of the instant bandrek drink and nutmeg syrup consecutively was equivalent with 89.81 mg GAE/L and 140.68 mg GAE/L, respectively. It can be concluded that the food processing did not remove the bioactive compounds that could function as antioxidant.en
dc.description.abstractTujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan ciri mutu kimiawi dan mikrobiologis produk bandrek instan dan sirup pala di Desa Sinar Sari dan Dramaga, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kedua produk masih memenuhi standar mutu mikrobiologis yang telah ditetapkan oleh Standar Nasional Indonesia. Kapasitas antioksidan minuman bandrek instan setara dengan 256,12 AEAC mg per takaran saji dan untuk minuman sirup pala setara dengan 775,62 mg AEAC per sajian. Total fenolik minuman bandrek instan setara dengan 89,81 mg GAE /L dan untuk minuman sirup pala sebesar 140,68 mg GAE /L. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses pengolahan kedua produk ini tidak menghilangkan senyawa bioaktif yang dapat berfungsi sebagai antioksidanen
dc.titlePencirian mutu kimiawi dan mikrobiologis produk bandrek instan dan sirup buah pala (myristica fragrans)en
dc.title.alternativeChemical and microbiological characterization of instan bandrek and nutmeg syrup (myristica fragransen
dc.subject.keywordantioxidant capacityen
dc.subject.keywordinstant bandreken
dc.subject.keywordnutmeg syrupen
dc.subject.keywordtotal phenolic levelen

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