Pencegahan kerusakan fisiologis belimbing (avverhoa carambola) dalam rantai pasok dengan optimisasi model kombinasi perlakuan air panas dan cacl2 menggunakan response surface method

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Darmawati, Emmy
Hasbullah, Rokhani
Prawaningrum, Harli
Show full item recordAbstract
Starfruits is one of exotic tropical fruits that have increasing its popularity both for domestic and global market due to its unique shape and taste, as well as their nutrition values. However, this fruit is considered perishable product with short self-life, thus the proper post harvest treatment should be done to prevent their quality after harvest. In general, the objective of this research was to determine optimum treatment of hot water treatment (HWT) and immersion period in CaCl2 solution using response surface method (RSM) for post harvest handling of starfruits in order to maintain its quality during storage. Among quality parameters tested, weight loss and hardness were found as the most responsive to the combination treatment. Parameter of weight loss rate showed a maximization response with stationary point of HWT’s temperature of 42 C, expose period for 42 minutes, and immersion period in CaCl2 solution for 38 minutes with respond point of weight loss was 3.74%. Meanwhile, the hardness parameter achievement was the minimum with stationary point of HWT’s temperature of 48 C, expose period for 35 minutes, and immersion period in CaCl2 solution fpr 35 minutes resulted respond point of hardness of 0.63 Newton. Interest level from the panelist were color, taste, texture and aroma, respectively, whereas the treatment combination that accepted by panelist were (45 C, 65', 40'), (45 C, 40', 15'), and (45 C, 40', 40’). Buah belimbing merupakan buah eksotik tropika yang sedang naik popularitasnya di pasar domestik dan global karena bentuk dan rasanya yang unik, serta karena kandungan gizinya. Namun, buah ini mudah rusak dan umur simpannya singkat sehingga penanganan pascapanennya haruslah optimum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengoptimisasi perlakuan kombinasi perlakuan air panas (HWT) dan perendaman dalam larutan CaCl2 dengan metode permukaan respons (RSM), dalam rangka mempertahankan mutu buah selama penyimpanan. Dari beberapa parameter mutu yang diuji, susut bobot dan kekerasan memberikan respons terbaik. Parameter susut bobot menunjukkan respons maksimisasi dengan titik optimum suhu HWT 42 C dengan perendaman 42 menit, dan pencelupan dalam CaCl2 selama 38 menit memberikan respons susut bobot sebesar 3,74%. Parameter kekerasan memberikan respons minimisasi dengan titik optimum suhu HWT 48 C dengan perendaman 35 menit dan pencelupan dalam larutan CaCl2 selama 35 menit memberikan respons kekerasan sebesar 0,63 Newton. Tingkat kesukaan responden terhadap parameter mutu berturut-turut adalah warna, rasa, tekstur, dan aroma, dengan kombinasi perlakuan yang diterima oleh panelis adalah (45 C, 65', 40'), (45 C, 40', 15'), dan (45 C, 40', 40’).