Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 151
Analisis misi dan rancangan lapan-ipb satellite (lisat) Untuk pemantauan kemandirian pangan
(2011-12)LAPAN-IPB micro satellite (LISAT) is the first EBA (Experimental Based Application) planned to be launched in 2013. The technical schedule implementation includes Phase-1 (2010), Phase-2 (2011), Phase-3 (2012), and ... -
Pengembangan model kemitraan dan pemasaran terpadu biofarmaka dalam rangka pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar hutan di kabupaten sukabumi, provinsi jawa barat
(2012)Most of the community surrounding forest areas in Sukabumi District are poor farmers. They traditionally cultivate medicinal plants. However, quality of the products is not standardized, and hence, low price. Therefore, ... -
Analisis keragaan panel sandwich untuk rumah pra-pabrikasi
(2010)In the last five years, several earthquakes struck several places in Indonesia and thousands of people died caused of their masonry house. Therefore, the idea of bamboo utilization in the form of structural sandwich panel ... -
Rancang bangun sistem informasi manajemen kepegawaian Dengan metode the open group architecture Framework (togaf)
(2011-12)The personnel administration process for functional staff follow bureaucratic procedures that is time consuming and often difficult to monitor. Further, the process will be prolonged if the process is handled manually. ... -
Krisis keuangan global 2008-2009 dan implikasinya pada perekonomian indonesia
(2012)The global financial crisis that occurred in 2008-2009 was the worst financial crisis in 80 years, even the economists in the world called it as the mother of all crises. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States ... -
Pertumbuhan semai sengon dan mangium pada tanah padat
(2010)The research was conducted to examine the seedling of mangium (Acacia mangium and sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) on compacted soil. Soil was compacted with a proctor test at the different level of bulk density (0.9;1.0; ... -
Pengujian efikasi skala laboratorium kayu hasil fumigasi terhadap serangan rayap tanah (coptotermes curvignathus)
(2012)Fumigated wood was assumed to retain durability level against wood destroying factors. Due to lack of data, fumigated wood durability against wood destroying factors needs to be investigated, especially toward subterranean ... -
Mikroenkapsulasi mineral besi dan seng dalam pembuatan Makanan tambahan untuk balita gizi kurang
(2011-12)As a health problem, prevalence of severe underweight in Indonesia is still high. Riskesdas 2008 indicate that prevalence of severe underweight and underweight in Indonesia are 5.5% and 13.0%, respectively. Effort to ... -
Pengaruh bobot isi tanah terhadap sifat fisik tanah dan perkecambahan benih kacang tanah dan kedelai
(2010)Soil physical properties can affect to seed germination and plant growth. Soil compaction will degrade soil physical properties which in term will affect to root penetration and development in the soil. The improvements ... -
Aplikasi berbagai marka aromatik pada Varietas padi indonesia
(2011-12)This research applied various badh2.7 and badh2.2 fragrant markers (Bradbury et al., 2005b, Lang and Buu 2008, Shi et al., 2008, Sakthivel et al., 2009) on popular Indonesia non-fragrant (Ciherang, Fatmawati) and fragrant ... -
Pemilihan batang bawah dan teknik penyambungan tanaman jarak pagar (jatropha curcas) untuk meningkatkan potensi produktivitas >10 ton/ha dan tahan terhadap cekaman kekeringan dalam upaya mendukung pengembangan bioenergi
(2012)Development of Jatropha in large scale in dryland requires plant material with high productivity and ability to adapt drought conditions. Attempt to maintain the stability of jatropha production in dry land can be done ... -
Perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hutan rakyat : studi kasus di Desa Kresnowidodo Kecamatan Tegineneng Kabupaten Pesawaran Propinsi Lampung
(2010)Degradation in production forest in Lampung Province was high. Wood crop was cut and changed with agriculture crop and also the settlement. Cultivation of wood in land that own by society with private forest (hutan rakyat) ... -
Penghilangan bau amoniak dari tempat penumpukan leum pada industri karet remah dengan menggunakan teknik biofilter
(2012)Malodorous gases emitted from natural rubber industries. At crumb rubber plant, leum storage emits high concentration of ammonia that strength odor and dangerous to healthy workers. This research occurred to remove ammonia ... -
Potensi simpanan karbon pada hutan tanaman mangium (acacia mangium willd.) Di kph cianjur perum perhutani Unit iii jawa barat dan banten
(2011-12)One of the best solution to reduce the increasing of carbiondioxide is keeping the forest and its ecosystems sustainably. It should be done because the forest could store the carbon stock at high level capacity. The research ... -
Prospek pengembangan kebun buru rusa perum perhutani bkph jonggol jawa barat berdasarkan tinjauan ekologi
(2012)One form of sustainable wildlife utilization with ecological and economic values is game hunting. Due to game hunting’s promising prospects, Perum Perhutani planned to develop their deer captive breeding area (PRJ) into a ... -
Studi persepsi masyarakat tentang pengelolaan lanskap Agroforestri di sekitar Sub Das Way Besai, Provinsi Lampung
(2010)The narrowness of the average land that belongs to the community (<0.3 ha per household) is one cause of increasing critical land and forest in Way Besai Sub Watershed, Lampung Province. One solution to overcome this problem ... -
Identifikasi gen aroma pada progeni-progeni backcross Antara varietas ciherang dengan pandan wangi
(2011-08)Marker-assisted PCR has been considered as the most potential method for fragrant selection. RM223 is the only suitable marker to identify mutated badh2 gene of Pandan Wangi. This research applies RM223-assisted PCR in the ... -
Pembuatan dan standarisasi antigen ai h5n1 komersial untuk monitoring titer antibodi hasil vaksinasi ai di industri peternakan ayam
(2012)Vaccination is one of the chosen strategy for controling AI H5N1 in Indonesia. Vaccination able to induce protective antibodies against AI but unable to inhibit viral infection. Determination of antibody titers in the serum ... -
Kajian perbaikan mutu pada agroindustri skala mikro dan kecil gambir Indonesia
(2010)Quality is an absolute requirement used by product to compete in the global market. Therefore, as the competition is getting more tight , high-quality gambier products become an absolute demands that must be met. One of ... -
Pengaruh pemberian bahan organik pada tanah liat dan Lempung berliat terhadap kemampuan mengikat air
(2011-08)Amount of water that obtained soil depend on soil ability to quick absorp and continue water accepted from soil surface. Water holding capacity of soil are influenced by soil texture and organic matter. The purpose of this ...