Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 151
Pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik lokal dalam perakitan varietas Unggul cabai (capsicum annuum) tahan terhadap penyakit antraknosa Yang disebabkan oleh colletotrichum sp
(2013-08)Penggunaan varietas tahan berbasis sumber daya lokal merupakan salah satu cara yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah penyakit antraknosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi spesies isolat antraknosa (Colletotricum ... -
Struktur komunitas cacing parasitik pada ikan kembung (rastrelliger spp.) Di perairan teluk banten dan pelabuhan ratu
(2012)The short mackerel is the most commercially important small pelagic fish in Indonesia. Parasitism plays a central role in fish biology. Parasitism is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the marine environment and it is probable ... -
Hubungan karakteristik individu dengan kejadian penyakit antraks tipe kulit pada penduduk di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor
(2009)This research is aim to know several of risk factors about individual characteristics which are related with occurrence of skin type of anthrax disease in Bogor district for 2003–2007. The research was designed to reach ... -
Identifikasi streptococcus equi dari kuda yang diduga menderita strangles
(2012)This study aims to determine the presence of the Streptococcus equi causes Strangles in horses. Inspection carried out by isolation and identification of bacteria from 20 samples nasal swabs of suspected horse disease ... -
Efek kombinasi sistem pengaturan air irigasi dengan pemangkasan daun bawah terhadap efisiensi air dan radiasi, serta produktivitas tanaman jagung pada lahan kering beriklim kering
(2012)Study on the effect of dose management on water irrigation and the effect of pruning corn lower leaves on productivity of Lamuru variety grown on dry land of dry climate area has been done. The experiment was organized at ... -
Analisis produksi optimum pada industri keripik singkong (studi kasus pada industri keripik singkong rajawali Di desa rundeng kecamatan johan pahlawan Kabupaten aceh barat)
(2012-12)This study aims to determine the optimum production from each of the factors of of cassava industry, and labor in Rajawali cassava chips industry, as well as research methods using case studies. Cassava Chips industries ... -
Faktor–faktor penentu keberhasilan pelepasliaran orangutan sumatera (pongo abelii) di taman nasional bukit tigapuluh
(2012)Study on determinant factors on success of Sumatran orangutan reintroduction was done to all orangutans in reintroduction station (84 individual + 1 infant orangutan). This study was conducted from August to December 2006 ... -
Deliniasi risiko iklim dan evaluasi model hubungan curah Hujan dan produksi padi dalam mendukung pengembangan Asuransi indeks iklim (climate index insurance) pada sistem Usahatani berbasis padi
(2011-12)The agricultural sector, particularly the rice farming system (SUT) is very vulnerable to climate variability and change. SUT that rely heavily on water will be easily affected by climate variability and change when the ... -
Dampak Free Trade Arrangements (FTA) terhadap ekonomi makro, sektoral, regional, dan distribusi pendapatan di Indonesia
(2010)Indonesia's commitment to be involved in the scheme of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is expected to bring a multiplier effect for the Indonesian economy, including sectoral, regional, and household distributional impact. The ... -
Formulasi tepung biofungisida berbahan aktif ganda pseudomonas fluorescens pg 01 dan bacillus polymixa bg 25
(2012)The objective of this study is to determine effective carrier materials and additives which is able to keep the bioperformance, including antibiosis activity to Phytophthora capsici and Colletotrichum acutatum and plant ... -
Diare pada sapi neonatus yang ditantang Escherichia coli k-99
(2011-12)The objective of this experiment was to study the efficacy- of colostrum given to neonatal calves challenged by Escherichia coli (E. coli) K-99. Ten healthy calves devided into two groups i.e. colostrum group (given colostrum ... -
Optimasi transplantasi menggunakan sel donor dari ikan gurame muda dan ikan nila triploid sebagai resipien
(2010)Testicular cell transplantation technology can be used in fish seed production engineering. In this study, optimization of transplantation using donor cells from young gouramy and triploid tilapia (3N) as recipient. Triploid ... -
Inovasi teknologi untuk pengembangan jagung dalam rangka mendukung ketahanan pangan dan energi
(2012)Recent researches resulted several innovations such as an integrated machine for planting and fertilizer application for corn cultivation, corn noodle production, and delignification process of corn stover. The objectives ... -
Analisis efektivitas program raskin dan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga miskin “kasus di Propinsi Jawa Barat tahun 2010”
(2010)Realizing that there are still a lot of poor households (RTM) in Indonesia, the government through various programs and policies continue to improve the food security conditions of poor households, particularly through ... -
Pengetahuan tentang manfaat kesehatan temulawak (curcuma xanthorrhiza.) Serta uji klinis pengaruhnya pada sistem imun humoral pada dewasa obes
(2012)Sufficient knowledge of the community regarding benefits of temulawak for health and scientific evidence of its influence on the immune system is crucial for rationalizing the utilization of these plants for health purposes. ... -
Pendugaan potensi kandungan karbon pada tegakan jati (tectona grandis linn.f) di areal kph cianjur perum perhutani Unit iii jawa barat dan banten
(2011-12)The land use and land use change through forest conversion and also the increasing heavy industry which produce high value of pollutant had bad impact to the environment which finally affect the global climate change. The ... -
Profil protein total, albumin dan globulin pada ayam Broiler yang diberi kunyit, bawang putih dan zinc (zn)
(2011-12)The objective of this experiment was to study the effectiveness of turmeric, garlic and zinc supplementation on protein, albumin and globulin concentration of broiler. One hundred DOC were divided into five treatments, ... -
Perakitan varietas hibrida jagung manis berdaya hasil tinggi dan tahan terhadap penyakit bulai
(2012)Sweet corn is a result of recessive mutation which occurs naturally in gene that controls the conversion of sugar into starch in corn seed endosperm. There are 3 main genes that affect corn sweetness, namely sugary gene ... -
Gambaran hematologi domba selama transportasi peran multivitamin dan meniran
(2010)This research was conducted to study hematogical condition (total erythrocyte, concentration of haemoglobin, and packed cell volume value) sheep during transportation with combination of multivitaminmeniran. Twelve Priangan ... -
Aplikasi film edibel dan kemasan atmosfir termodifikasi untuk meningkatkan umur simpan buah salak terolah minimal
(2010)Snake fruit is an exotic fruit from Indonesia, and nowadays has increasing in demand. There is opportunity to market minimally processed snake fruit, but this product becomes very highly perishable because of increasing ...