Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 151
Karakteristik dan Sifat-Sifat Dasar Kayu Jati Unggul Umur 4 dan 5 Tahun Asal Jawa Barat
(2014)Anatomical characteristics, fiber morphology, microfibril angle, specific gravity and wood density, dimensional stabilization, modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), hardness and natural durability of ... -
Optimasi kinerja proses distilasi minyak akar wangi dengan modifikasi suhu dan kesetimbangan fasa
(2009)This research aims was to improve distillation process performance of vetiver oil in term of oil recovery and quality and energy efficiency through optimizing process condition. The main approach used in this work is ... -
Model pendampingan umkm pangan melalui inkubator bisnis perguruan tinggi
(2014)Business incubator in Indonesia has not developed yet as in developed countries. It is caused by a lack of support from the government and the lack of a model of the concept of business incubation as a reference. This study ... -
Keterkaitan antara konsumsi pangan, gaya hidup, dan status gizi Pada pegawai obes dan normal
(2013-08)The objective of this study was to analyze the interrelation between food consumption, energy and nutrients intake, lifestyle and socioeconomic status with nutritional status of employees. The observation was carried out ... -
Optimasi dan pemodelan proses recover flavor dari limbah cair industri pengolahan rajungan dengan reverse osmosis
(2009)The waste water of blue crab pasteurization has potential in environmental pollution. It contained TSS of 206.5mg.1-1, BOD 7,092.6mg.1-1 and COD of 51,000mg.1-1. on the other hand, it also contains an interesting flavor ... -
Pertumbuhan mata tunas jeruk keprok (citrus nobilis) hasil okulasi Pada berbagai media tanam dan umur batang bawah Rough lemon (c. Jambhiri)
(2012-08)The objective of this study was to evaluate keprok (Citrus nobilis) budding seed development on various growing media and age of C. jambhiri rootstock. The design of experiment was complete randomized groups with 2 factors ... -
Pemanfaatan daun bangun-bangun dalam pengembangan produk makanan tambahan fungsional untuk ibu menyusui
(2014)Bangun-bangun leaves (Coleus amboinicus Lour) is one of plants that has a function as laktagogue which can increase secretion and production of breast milk. Therefore, the bangun-bangun leaves are potential to be used as ... -
Aktivitas antibakteri asap cair dan daya awetnya terhadap bakso ikan
(2009)The study were investigated antibacterial activity of liquid smoke from coconut shell and its applications of fishball at room temperature (27–280C) and refrigeration temperature (4±10C). The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration ... -
Pertumbuhan ulat sutera bombyx mori (lepidoptera: bombycidae) pada Berbagai sumber protein dalam pakannya
(2013-08)Silkworm rearing has high economical value for producing silk material and other beneficial biological materials such as enzyme, antibacterial agent, and antioxidant. For those purposes, it is important to continuously ... -
Wisata alam taman nasional gunung halimun salak: solusi kepentingan ekologi dan ekonomi
(2014)The extended of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) coverage area pose a conflict of interest which is trade-off between the interests of the TNGHS main functions as conservation areas (ecological interests) and ... -
Efektivitas pemberian kombinasi mineral zinc dan herbal sebagai imunomodulator
(2009)Suplemen as imunomodulator used to increase immune response, to prevent disease. Herb and Zinc (Zn) can function as imunostimulan. The aim of this experiment was (1) to studythe effect of Zn mineral and herb combination ... -
Pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna identifikasi tumbuhan obat Berbasis citra
(2013-08)Indonesia is a mega biodiversity country including many kind medicinal plants. It is not easy to identify the various kinds of the medicinal plants especially for common people. Therefore, we need a computer-based automatic ... -
Nisbah stereoisomer erythro dan threo struktur β -o-4 serta hubungannya dengan jenis cincin aromatik penyusun makromolekul lignin
(2009)Reaction woods were obtained from leaning wood stems of several wood species and the relationships between the type of reaction wood and lignin characteristics was observed. As lignin characteristics, stereo structure of ... -
Biologi populasi rajungan (portunus pelagicus) dan karakteristik lingkungan habitat esensialnya sebagai upaya awal perlindungan di lampung timur
(2014)There are several option management measures in preventing sustainability stock of the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus), i.e., nursery ground conservation. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyses habitat ... -
Peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan dengan bahan aktif asam humat Dengan zeolit sebagai pembawa
(2013-08)Tanah-tanah di Indonesia didominasi oleh tanah yang memiliki sifat-sifat kimia-fisik buruk seperti pH rendah, bahan organik rendah, dan unsur-unsur hara sangat rendah. Akibatnva produksi berbagai produk pertanian pada tanah ... -
Serologi dan virologi virus avian influenza h5n1 pada kucing jalanan di Kota Bogor
(2009)Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is a known pathogen in birds. Recently, the virus has been reported to cause sporadic fatal disease in tigers, leopards, and other exotic felids as well as domestic cats ... -
Campuran pulp tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan selulosa mikrobial nata de cassava dalam pembuatan kertas
(2014)Nowadays, forest-extracted wood cellulose still predominantly serves as raw material for pulp and paper manufacture in Indonesia. Consequently, the deforestation rate has alarmingly increased. The purpose of this research ... -
Pengaruh tingkat kemasakan buah, metode ekstraksi buah, metode Pengeringan, jenis kemasan, dan lama penyimpanan pada mutu benih Jarak pagar (jatropha curcas)
(2012-08)Provision of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) seeds along with providing high yielding varieties, is needed to ensure high seed quality. This experiment aimed to observe the pattern of jatropha seed treatment, namely the effect ... -
Pengobatan penyakit tumor mammae melalui operasi (mastektomi dan ovariohisterektomi) dan kombinasinya (tanaman herbal) pada hewan
(2009)umor or neuplasm can be meant as a abnormal and uncontrol growth of the transformation tissue or the change of one or main location of the body. This degenerative desease is one of the deseases in the animal pet especially ... -
Kajian model pemberdayaan ketahanan pangan di wilayah perbatasan antar negara
(2014)Malacca District is one of Indonesian border area with East Timor. This region is also become the home for largest number of refugees in East Timor after the poll.The existence of the East Timorese former warrior who lived ...