Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 151
Pengembangan sumber benih mindi ( m elia azedarach ) untuk hutan rakyat di jawa barat
(2012)Melia azedarach is mostly found in community forests in West Java. One of the factors that affect forest productivity is high quality seed, but seed quality is not easily obtained by farmers. The general objective research ... -
Pengaruh pupuk npk dan kompos terhadap pertumbuhan semai gmelina (Gmelina Arborea Roxb.) Pada media tanah bekas tambang emas (Tailing)
(2010)Mining activities could adversely affect the environment if the waste it generates is not processed properly. Negative impacts include disruption of natural ecosystems in the form of changes in soil structure resulting ... -
Ekstrak secang berukuran nano dengan kaolin Sebagai pembawa
(2011-08)Sappanwood extracts reported had antiacne activity with brazilin as active component. To develop antiacne formula from sappanwood extract, nanoparticle sappanwood with kaolin nanosize as carrier was developed. Carrier used ... -
Evaluasi kemurnian genetik dengan marka mikrosatelit dan aplikasi rizobakteria untuk meningkatkan produksi dan mutu benih jagung hibrida
(2012)One effort to improve of high-quality of maize seed were the development and application of methods for genetic quality testing, such as SSR marker. Another effort was used of rhizobacteria for increased the availability ... -
Analisis sifat dasar kayu hasil hutan tanaman rakyat
(2011-08)The research done based on the fact that the log from natural forest could not fullfil the need of domestic forest industry. Annual available cut from natural forest in the year 2007 was only 9.1 million m3 while forest ... -
Pemanfaatan bungkil biji jarak pagar (Jatropha Curcas) terfermentasi sebagai pakan ayam kampung
(2010)Jatropha curcas meal (JCM) is very potential as protein source for poultry. The JCM contained high crude protein, i.e. 56,4-63,8% (without hull) and 22,39-31,41% (hulled JCM). JCM serves as a highly nutritious and economic ... -
Pengujian sifat fisis-mekanis dan nondestruktif metode gelombang suara papan wol semen berkerapatan sedang-tinggi bambu betung ( dendrocalamus asper )
(2012)Cement board is a composite wood product has advantages such as fire resistance, termite, water resistant, and has good sound insulation properties. Bamboo is suitable material that can be used as a raw material of cement ... -
Penentuan kinetika urikase dari sel bacillus subtilis, B. Megaterium, dan b. Cereus
(2011-08)Uric acid concentration could be determined based on the oxidation of uric acid into alantoin in the presence of uricase. Determination of uric acid concentration is needed to diagnose the occurrence of kidney disease in ... -
Dinamika profil hematologi dan rasio netrofil: limfosit monyet ekor panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) pada pengaturan mikroklimat ruangan
(2010)The aim of this study was to obtain the profile of physiological hematology (erythrocyte, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and leukocyte) and the profile of ratio between neutrophil and lymphocyte of long-tailed macaque (Macaca ... -
Analisis paket teknologi lokal dalam pengelolaan produksi madu organik untuk pasar global dan industri
(2010)Production of honey conventionally by community do generate constraint at marketing to global market and industry. Model local technological packet is hoped improve the value sell honey commodity to go in global market and ... -
Keragaman gen c alpastatin , calpain 3 dan myostatin pada domba di up3 jonggol
(2012)The aim of this study was to identify the genetic polymorphisms of calpastatin (CAST), calpain 3 (CAPN3) and myostatin (MSTN) on local sheep at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit (JASTRU). A total number of ... -
Revitalisasi konservasi tumbuhan obat keluarga (toga) guna Meningkatkan kesehatan dan ekonomi keluarga mandiri di Desa contoh lingkar kampus ipb darmaga bogor
(2011-08)Medicinal plants and traditional medicine for along ago are important role in the health care, stamina maintain, and treat diseases. Therefore medicinal plants and traditional medicines have strong root in the part of ... -
Biaya perjalanan domestik pengunjung terhadap manfaat rekreasi di Taman Wisata Alam Punti Kayu (TWAPK) Kota Palembang
(2010)Punti Kayu Nature Park can provide various benefits. Currently benefits obtained are still considering to be low. An objective and quantitative assessment of a recreation benefits by calculated travel cost and willingness ... -
Transfer gen badh2 termutasi varietas aromatik mentik Wangi ke varietas nonaromatik ciherang
(2011-04)Replacement of non-fragrant-native badh2 gene with mutated badh2 of fragrant rice is an alternative to engineer new fragrant rice varieties with good agronomic traits as those of non-fragrant. Fragrant gene (mutated badh2) ... -
Pendugaan parameter demografi dan bentuk sebaran spasial biawak komodo di pulau rinca, taman nasional komodo
(2012)Komodo is one of the protected rare reptiles that can only be found within the Komodo National Park and the northern island of Flores. This study was aimed to determine the species population parameters and spatial ... -
Kandungan emisi gas rumah kaca pada kebakaran hutan rawa gambut di Pelalawan Riau
(2010)Peat land in the east coast of Sumatera (Riau, Jambi, South Sumatera) and Kalimantan (South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan) has being used for agricultural crops such as rice field, palm oil and coffee ... -
Identifikasi perubahan mutu selama penyimpanan buah manggis menggunakan near infra red spectroscopy
(2012)One of quality changes during storage of intact mangosteen fruit is firmness. This occurrence was predicted to have associate with moisture content in the pericarp. The objective of this research was to determine the ... -
Produksi biskuit limbah tanaman jagung sebagai pakan Komersil ternak ruminansia
(2011-04)Biscuit is one of feed wich is forming by heating and pressing that can be reduce size and volume of forage, so its easy to handling and storage. The objective of this study was to produce corn leaf and field grass to be ... -
Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati pada kegiatan pertambangan di kawasan hutan di Indonesia
(2010)This paper is carried out in order to study and evaluate the existing of governmental policies and the strategies of Indonesian government for conservation of forest and protective areas and it is also to formulate a ...