Browsing Research Journal :: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 151
Pengobatan penyakit tumor mammae melalui operasi (mastektomi dan ovariohisterektomi) dan kombinasinya (tanaman herbal) pada hewan
(2009)umor or neuplasm can be meant as a abnormal and uncontrol growth of the transformation tissue or the change of one or main location of the body. This degenerative desease is one of the deseases in the animal pet especially ... -
Aktivitas antibakteri asap cair dan daya awetnya terhadap bakso ikan
(2009)The study were investigated antibacterial activity of liquid smoke from coconut shell and its applications of fishball at room temperature (27–280C) and refrigeration temperature (4±10C). The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration ... -
Nisbah stereoisomer erythro dan threo struktur β -o-4 serta hubungannya dengan jenis cincin aromatik penyusun makromolekul lignin
(2009)Reaction woods were obtained from leaning wood stems of several wood species and the relationships between the type of reaction wood and lignin characteristics was observed. As lignin characteristics, stereo structure of ... -
Kandungan iaa, serapan hara, pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung dan kacang tanah sebagai respon terhadap aplikasi pupuk hayati
(2009)The aim of this research was to study IAA content, nutrient uptake, growth and productivity of maize and peanut in response to application of biofertilizer. The research was conducted in a green house of Cikabayan IPB Farm, ... -
Optimasi kinerja proses distilasi minyak akar wangi dengan modifikasi suhu dan kesetimbangan fasa
(2009)This research aims was to improve distillation process performance of vetiver oil in term of oil recovery and quality and energy efficiency through optimizing process condition. The main approach used in this work is ... -
Serologi dan virologi virus avian influenza h5n1 pada kucing jalanan di Kota Bogor
(2009)Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is a known pathogen in birds. Recently, the virus has been reported to cause sporadic fatal disease in tigers, leopards, and other exotic felids as well as domestic cats ... -
Perbandingan nilai fisiologis kardiorespirasi dan suhu rektal anjing kampung dewasa dan anak
(2009)Dog is man’s favorite companion animal and they are also beneficial as an animal model in biomedical research. So far, the Indonesian native dog’s physiological values for diagnostic or research purposes, was based on ... -
Kebiasaaan makanan ikan lidah (cynoglossus lingua) di perairan Ujung Pangkah, Gresik, Jawa Timur
(2009)Salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang terdapat di Ujung Pangkah adalah ikan lidah (Cynoglossus lingua). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis makanan ikan lidah yang tertangkap di daerah tersebut. Penelitian dilaksanakan ... -
Dampak penggunaan beluntas dalam upaya menurunkan kadar lemak daging terhadap produksi dan kadar lemak telur itik lokal
(2009)The beluntas (Pluchea indica L) leaf powder is one of the herbs species which contains antioxidants (flavonoid, vitamin C and beta-carotene), phytochemical and antinutrients. This study was designed to know the ability of ... -
Hubungan karakteristik individu dengan kejadian penyakit antraks tipe kulit pada penduduk di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor
(2009)This research is aim to know several of risk factors about individual characteristics which are related with occurrence of skin type of anthrax disease in Bogor district for 2003–2007. The research was designed to reach ... -
Identifikasi pola agroforestri yang iimplementasikan masyarakat pada lahan marjinal di Lampung Utara
(2009)The large of marginal land in North Lampung will require careful planning towards to succeeded of the rehabilitation program. The first step that should be done is research on the identification of existing agroforestry ... -
Hubungan kemampuan pergantian inang dengan plastisitas genetika pada cendawan blas padi (pyricularia grisea)
(2009)The Digitaria ciliaris, wild grass grown around rice field, was a host for Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc., the fungi caused blast disease of rice. This fungi have a specific mechanism to regenerate new genetic variation ... -
Optimasi dan pemodelan proses recover flavor dari limbah cair industri pengolahan rajungan dengan reverse osmosis
(2009)The waste water of blue crab pasteurization has potential in environmental pollution. It contained TSS of 206.5mg.1-1, BOD 7,092.6mg.1-1 and COD of 51,000mg.1-1. on the other hand, it also contains an interesting flavor ... -
Efektivitas pemberian kombinasi mineral zinc dan herbal sebagai imunomodulator
(2009)Suplemen as imunomodulator used to increase immune response, to prevent disease. Herb and Zinc (Zn) can function as imunostimulan. The aim of this experiment was (1) to studythe effect of Zn mineral and herb combination ... -
Studi agrobiofisik kamandrah (croton tiglium l.) Dan penentuan potensi awal kamandrah sebagai larvasida hayati pencegah penyakit demam berdarah dengue
(2009)The aim of the research is to obtain the ecological condition and propagation of kamandrah (Croton tiglium L.) and determination of its potency as biological larvacidal for preventing dengue haemorraghic fever. Agrobiophysic ... -
Kajian pemanfaatan limbah organik cair untuk pembiakan masal agens antagonis pseudomonas flourescens serta uji potensinya sebagai bio-pestisida
(2009)Pseudomonas fluorescens has been well known as biological control agent for plant diseases control. The problem to apply the agents widely in the field or in the level of farmer is limited technology of mass production ... -
Pengaruh kondisi fumigasi terhadap efektifitas pewarnaan dan keawetan kayu hutan rakyat
(2009)Indonesian log consumption average in 1999-2004 was about 40 million cubic meter per year. Far above the capacity of natural forest to supply wood demand which was only 6.9 million cubic meter per year and only 5 million ... -
Komposisi jenis dan struktur hutan hujan tropika dataran rendah di taman nasional danau sentarum, Kalimantan Barat
(2009)The objective of this research was to obtain information on species composition and structure of lowland tropical rain forest in Sentarum Lake National Park, West Kalimantan. The research was carried out from 26 to 31 ... -
Pendugaan model pertumbuhan dan bentuk sebaran spasial populasi banteng (bos sondaicus d’alton) di taman nasional alas purwo Jawa Timur
(2009)Population of bulls in the world is decreasing to 80%. On Java and Bali, the habitat of the species has declined by about 20% and 30% respectively (IUCN 2003). In Java, especially in Alas Purwo National Park, the decreasing ... -
Uji teknologi inokulum fungi ektomikoriza dan penambahan asam oksalat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan hopea mengarawan
(2009)Application of ectomycorrhizal fungi on forestry depend on some factors. Inokulum technology is one of the important factor. The aim of this research are to compare the affectivity of two inoculums from two Scleroderma ...